First Ex Pokemon

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Magmar ex, R/S
Dragonite EX or Kabutops EX. I was so, amazed when I got them. I wasn't even playing the Pokemon card game.
I wonder why they made Lapras ex so horrible it sickens me it doesnt even deserve to be called an ex.
Mine was either Electabuzz ex or typhlosion ex... I got both of them in a tin...
My first was Hitmonchan ex from R/S

afterwards, I barely pulled any ex's...

but I did get:
Rayquaza ex
Latias ex
Latios ex
Suicune ex
Dragonite ex
Ampharos ex
and Raikou ex
all at the same time...

Ahhh, if you're asking how I got all those, it was in a crazy trade lol...

It was when I was getting back into the game and someone was just not really into, but had cards...

They traded all those to me for a stack of about 50-60 commons/uncommons that had cute pictures, lol...
though, back then I had no idea of the worth of the cards (I always thought ex's sucked cuz of the 2 prize rule) and now I kinda feel bad... but the person doesn't buy cards at all anymore anyway, so it does feel better that the cards weren't put to waste...

(though, there was one day that I pulled Typhlosion ex (SS), Rocket's Moltres ex, and Lugia ex in the same sitting... ooh that lucky box thingy with the Articuno deck box, and the half lucky thingy with the promo Celebi)


vapereon ex.i taught it was horrible but i still keep it in mint and trade it for lugia ex.
My first was Deoxys ex (defense). It was the third booster I ever got, so I was just like "Hmm.. EX... nice and shiny... that's nice." My next was Regice EX from Hidden Legends, but that was about 10 boosters later when I was EX crazed.
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