First time in a long time.

Forum Shark

"What a great User title!"
Hey, there. I haven't been on the TCG forum since I joined years ago, but I have a question for you all. You see, I have a few decks that I've thrown together so I can play with my friend when I see him once a year in the summer. Neither of us play competitively, until now...
I'm planning on going to league, and want to start of with a clean slate in terms of a deck. So, my question to you is this; what's a nice and simple combo-deck I could easily make. Preferably with commons of recent sets.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, and I look forward to your answers.
Welcome back to the TCG. Anyway some pretty good decks but hard to get:
Flygon Variant
SP Toolbox

Some MUCH MUCH MUCH easier decks to make are:
MightyTank (doesn't need any rares, just commons and uncommons)
Shuppet Donk

Theres plenty more. Heres some common combos that you probably will see if you play competitively:
SP toolbox
^^These are easy to obtain right when your starting the game? Serious? Lol. You would need to buy BOXES of stuff for it.

Cheap decks? Hmmm...Mightytank is a great idea, and all the cards needed are basically in the same set, except for a few random cards, and the deck itself is fast and fairly easy to use. Otherwise...ummm...most of speedrill can be completed with theme decks, and league promos(getting the Claydol/Uxie you need from league, even Roseannes). You can buy the Darkrai theme deck which comes with all the good weedle, roseannes, a good beedrill as well. Buy 2 of those, and buy 2 of the Gallade theme deck and wait for some league promos, and you will have yourself one of the fastest strongest decks around.
Why does everyone skip Scizrim? It's a very cheap deck and that is simple. It only uses Scizor/Cherim and Shaymin (Shaymin is optional, though) and it runs well.
O yeah! Good point Gliscor! Build Scizrim if you want just cheap cards, the bulk of the deck can be built buying Stormfront packs, and the deck is relatively fast, and POWERFUL with Expert belt. Just an option though.
^^That is not necessarily true. It is a holographic card from LA, which is a set that is not being produced anymore. Target barely has them, and most stores don't really carry them so...
That may be somewhat true, but at least unlike Mightytank it doesn't completely suck. Beedrill or Kingdra are your two best bets if you want to actually be competitive (good scizrim is too difficult to build/play imo)
I'm actually using MightyTank for cities. 9/10 times I set up first turn. The only thing I have trouble with is Dialga G X and deckouts and gyardos. The main reason why it never became popular is because it was in the same set as Dialga G X which is its prime counter.