Ruling First Turn Rampage


Student at Law
G'day everyone,

I'm just curious as how to set up a deck that can possibly K.O. the defending pokemon pretty much every first turn.

I was thinking of:

a strong stage 1 with a low enery cost
rare candies
wally's training
swoop! teleporter
master balls/ greatballs etc
double rainbow energy
boost energy
drawing supporters

any ideas? Thanks
slowpoke, rare candy (evolves first turn), dark slowking, DRE, discard 2 Pokémon tools
mankey, rare candy (evolves first turn), primeape, DRE, discard 2 Pokémon tools

I hope this helps
Or even easier, Whismur, Candy, Exploud (EM), Boost energy = 50 damage T1... There really isnt anything "easy" to do T1 where everything is easily set up.

One of my friends worked out that T1 damage can get over the hundreds, using Exeggutor, Blastoise ex and Porygon2 but the chances of it actually happening is near to impossible.
I have 1
you start second
hand: lugia ex,  candy, blastoise ex, chicorita, totodile, holon's magneton,  water energy
play lugia ex as active
draw 1 card, water energy
use candy to play blastoise
use blastoise ex x2, 2 water energies
attach holon's magneton, return water energy, and use elemental blast

200 in your first turn :Dand no supporters needed
I was thinking; is there any way to "tutor" for boost energy first turn? or even to KO your own pokemon without an attack so you can use scramble energy?

Personally I'm trying to deal the 50 or so damage first turn; I think the first turn lugia etc are just overkill. In my experience the first active pokemon is usually sacrificial so that energy isn't wasted; I don't think it's necessary to deal something like the 200 (but's really cool!) because I just want to severvely disrupt their setup on a regular basis; but I want it to really only involve one pokemon so it can happen in most game. I think Dark Slowking is right on track; it can be tutored with Rocket's pokeball...