Very neat! Both box legendaries are more support than nutty attackers which is a nice change of pace. Also excited to see Tera ex's that change types.
My only gripe is that this isn't a soft reboot; I was hoping the new regulation block would drop HP and damage so that 70HP basics aren't obscenely weak. The fact that a 2 prizer can with *no issue at all* turn 2 (or 1) KO an evolving basic is a personal problem of mine. Even Buzzwole GX, which was maybe the game's biggest DPS increase in almost a decade, needed Diancie Prism and a Strong Energy to KO an evolving basic with Jet Punch (Zorua being the obvious exception). I get that the game needs record-breaking numbers to sell cards; and that most 2/3 prizers are balanced with each other, but the 1 prizer has been left in the dust for years. With the exception of support Pokemon like Inteleon, Bibarel, Frosmoth, etc, most 1 prize attackers since Lost Thunder all revolve around doing something weird to ramp up to high numbers. Nowadays, decks like Lost March and Mad Party don't even do enough damage to justify the setup effort needed to reach any semblance of high damage! I hope TPCi either lowers the 2 prizer health/damage pool down the line, or increases the stats of 1 prizers to restore balance.