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Flaming MegaMen (M Manectric-EX / Pyroar / Techs)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Manectric-EX PHF
    2 M Manectric-EX PHF
    2 Litleo FLF
    2 Pyroar FLF
    2 Surskit PLB
    2 Masquerain PLB
    2 Mewtwo-EX LTR

  • 3 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Battle Compressor
    2 Manectric Spirit Link
    2 Switch
    1 Silver Bangle
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Dowsing Machine

    3 Sycamore
    3 N
    1 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    2 Blacksmith
    2 Skyla
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card

    2 Training Center

  • 7 Fire
    3 Lightning
    4 Double Colorless


Start w/ Manectric-EX, hopefully going first, then use either Ultra Balls and/or Fan Club to get 2 Litleo on bench, and if I could, put a pokemon that can deal with an observation regarding foe on bench. If one is using another MManectric deck, or if that same foe is using a Water deck, put Surskit on bench and attach an Energy to it. If that same foe is using a Fighting deck such as Machamp/Lucario-EX, then put Mewtwo-EX on bench. Discard at least 2 Fire energies w/ Battle Compressor so that Litleo is ready to evolve before the end of Turn 2 post-Blacksmith use, then either use Manectric Spirit Link and Mega evolve it without losing a turn, then I will KO a threat and/or charge my bench if there's no worry of MegaMan KO on the post-KO foe substitution w/ Turbo Boost or, if MegaManectric is in danger of KO if it stays in, burn an energy to retreat and send out the pokemon best suited for the situation to active. Flare tools? Evolve Surskit and use its evolved form's ability to remove the flare tools. Water deck? Attach a silver bangle/Muscle Band to Masquerain and a Double Colorless to KO the Water threat(Bye-bye, Seismitoad-EX(if he is the leadoff spot on the foe's deck, I would've attached the bangle on turn 1 to avoid item block) and Blastoise!). Fighting deck? Send out Mewtwo-EX to KO the Heavy Fists(Bye-bye, Lucario-EX and Machamp). Big Basic/EX deck? Wall it w/ Pyroar! Significant amount of energies in discard? Use Lysandre's Trump Card to get them out of discard!

^ I know this deck is done on space constraints, and I struggled to find the right cards, and I could use your advice to improve this deck on an easier basis. Any advice? I know that fists is MegaMan's bane, but I believe that with the right cards, it can be addressed. What do you think?