Ruling Flare Destroy's effect


Aspiring Trainer
I understand that when attacking with Typhlosion Prime's attack "Flare Destroy," you MUST discard 1 energy card from Typhlosion and 1 from the defending Pokemon since the effect text does not say "you may." However, the effect text also says "and," as in you must discard from both Typhlosion AND the defending Pokemon as the entire effect.
So, what do you do when you attack a defending Pokemon that does not have any energy attached to it? Do you discard only 1 energy from Typhlosion or do you not discard anything since the entire effect can not be resolved properly?

You must fulfill all required text that is possible. So you must always discard an energy from typhlosion, and if the defending pokemon has any energy, you must discard one of them.

Please include a card scan in the future.