Blog Flare When the Whistle Blows — A Quick Look at Target Whistle

I think you missed out on a lot of the opportunity that Target Whistle has. It's a great pair with Lysandre (or Lysandre effects) to bring up Shaymin-EX and take easy 2-prize KOs. A consistent stream of this could be really nice for the decks with low outputs... and for some reason I'm thinking Pyroar (since there is too many Night March around).

It's also a nice card to use to clunk up your opponent's deck. Say you're up against a Bronzong deck. You can fill up that bench with non-Bronzors to really mess with your opponent's strategy. Early game against Night March, you could try to bring out all of their discard Pumpkaboos and Joltiks, providing they haven't clogged their bench with Shaymin-EX yet.

It also can be nice, as you touched on, for dealing large chunks of spread or snipe damage. Add a few Absols ROS, Crobats, and a spread-attacker, you could have a decent deck that can snipe prizes... prizes of which they can control with Target Whistle. Having more benched Pokemon is also nice for decks that rely on spread to dish out large combined quantities of damage, so it can simply use a Dusknoir or a Meowistic to move all damage to a single Pokemon or two, taking multiple prizes in a single turn.

Discussing strategies like this in your article would improve your article quality greatly. :)
Interesting article on shiftry & target whistle. The benefit of shiftry over raichu from XY & Generations, is that it can potentially hit for more, set up in one turn (forest of giant plants) & has more Hp. The negatives are that it takes up more room in a decklist, a retreat cost of 2 & 3 energies to attack.

I like the idea of bunnelby as it can help get resources or is a good starter to mill.

My list would be something like this

  • 18 Pokemon: 3 -3- 3 line of shiftry, 2 Shaymin Ex, 3 zorua, 3 zoroark, 1 Bunnelby
  • 20 Trainers: 2 revitaliser, 2 battle compressor (use with revitaliser), 2 target whistle, 2 max elixir, 3 Vs Seeker, 3 Giant Forest of Plants 4 ultra ball
  • 7 Supporters: 4 Sycamore, 1 Lysander, 1 Skyla, 1 Pokemon Fan Club, 1 Judge
  • 15 Energy: 4 DCE, 11 grass energy

Discard the shiftry line with battle compressor & ultra ball to get back with revitaliser (check you have the trainer in the deck first).

Max elixir only attaches to bench so set up energy on a benched shiftry & let your active die.

Zoroark acts as a cheaper attacker than shiftry and can swap in if need be.
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Target whistle is a must for every deck. I used it three times last night, and it helped propel me to two 1st place tournament wins. Paired with Lysandre and VS Seeker, it's an easy 4 prize cards considering how often people run low HP ex's like Shaymin and Mew. Target Whistle will cause everyone to stop running Shaymin and start using Delphox and Slurpuff.