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Flashfire Poison (Toxicroak EX / Crobat / Dragalge / Dusknoir)


Aspiring Trainer
This is my concept for a poison deck that im going to make when FlashFire comes out.

Pokemon - 20
  • 4 Toxicroak EX
  • 4 Skrelp
  • 4 Dragalge
  • 2 Duskull
  • 2 Dusknoir
  • 2 Zubat
  • 2 Crobat
Trainers/Supporters/Stadium - 26
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 2 Sacred Ash
  • 4 Shauna
  • 4 Skyla
  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club
  • 2 Pokemon Center Lady
  • 4 Virbank City Gym
Energy - 14
  • Psychic Energy - 10
  • Rainbow Energy - 4

This deck is all about doing a lot of poison damage.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: FlashFire Poison Deck

Ok, let's see:
-1 Virbank City Gym: 4 is excessive, 3 or even 2 should do is.
-2 Hypnotoxic Laser: You want to play poison preferably with attacks to boost the damage between turns.
-2 Psychic Energy: Hold it.
-4 Rainbow Energy: Hold it...
+3 Double Colorless Energy: There we go! XD It can get Toxicroak attacking T1, or T2 if you go first.
-2 Pokemon Center Lady: Really? It's not really worth it.
-1 Evosoda: There's really only one evolution line that might use it, but with changes below will be useful as a 1-of.
- 1-1 Dragalge: It's not really necessary to use all 4, mostly because the rest will be discard fodder.
-1 Sacred Ash: Recovering Pokemon it's not that necessary in this type of deck, but mostly used in a pinch. Try to use Super Rod instead while it's still in the format, though.
+4 Ultra Ball: You have no search cards apart from Fan Club.
+3 Professor Juniper: An amazing draw supporter.
+2 Rare Candy: If you want to use Stage 2s effectively, max it out. Also, for maximum versatility between Evosoda and Candy:
+1 Golbat, +1 Dusclops.
+2 Switching Cards: Run a split you like between Switch, Escape Rope and Float Stone.
+2 Tool Scrapper: Garbodor messes with this deck, and also for those random Rocky Helmets and such.
-1 Skyla: You don't want to be waiting for a draw Supporter and end up drawing this...
-1 Toxicroak: Not crucial to run 4.
Hope I could help!