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Flygon Deck?


Proud PokeTuber.!
Been looking around to make a new deck and I saw a Flygon/Celebi deck with the cards from Boundaries Crossed. I made a little change, trading two Terrakion EX for two Landorous EX. The idea is to spread damage around the entire opponent side in order to KO Eelektrik or to soften any Mewtwo/Darkrai on the bench. This uses Flygons ability which causes 10 damage to all pokemon on your opponents side in between turns, and Celebi which lets you uses any of your pokemon's attacks from prior evolutions. This would let you use vibravas attack which does 50 to the active and 10 to the bench. In total you would deal 60 to the active and 20 to the bench every turn. Over time it would stack up. Heres the list:

4-3-4 flygon
3 celebi EX
2 terrakion EX

4 N
3 juniper
3 cheren
4 catcher
1 computer search
2 skyla
4 switch
2 pokemon comunication/ super rod
2 ultra ball
2 rare candy
2 cilan
2 energy rerival

{G} 5
{F} 8

Any suggestions, comments, concerns?
I really see better running landorus EX over terrakion EX. Landorus helps for early spread and helps as a starter. Haven't you thought of dusknoir? It goes really well with flygon. You really do 70 damage to the active and 30 to the bench because the damage comes in between turns. 10 + 10 + 10 going into your turn. I would prefer to run DCE over grass energy.

-2 terrakion EX
-5 grass energy
-2 retrieval
-2 cilan
-1-0-1 flygon
-1 switch

+2 landorus EX
+4 DCE
+3-1-3 dusknoir
+1 rare candy
Sinnoh_Champion_Ernesto said:
I really see better running landorus EX over terrakion EX. Landorus helps for early spread and helps as a starter. Haven't you thought of dusknoir? It goes really well with flygon. You really do 70 damage to the active and 30 to the bench because the damage comes in between turns. 10 + 10 + 10 going into your turn. I would prefer to run DCE over grass energy.

-2 terrakion EX
-5 grass energy
-2 retrieval
-2 cilan
-1-0-1 flygon
-1 switch

+2 landorus EX
+4 DCE
+3-1-3 dusknoir
+1 rare candy

Yea I thought about it (Dusknoir), but its pretty risky to run two stage two pokemon. I dont know if I can set up in time. DCE? so forget Flygon's attack?
Attack with vibrava's attack. Well, then:

-2 rare candy
-2 cilan
-2 retrieval
-2 grass energy

+1 Vibrava
+3 emolga
+4 DCE

Emolga will help out with basics and DCE will help alot to hit faster. Then I wouldn't run a 4-3-4 flygon but a 4-4-4 with 0 rare candy. As the whole idea is to attack with vibravas attack, there is no point on using rare candy. And I would run landorus EX