Flygon from Rising Rivals (#5), 3/29/2010


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
yah first post!

1# this card stands out for many reasons #1 being its pokebody it has the ability to give many good cards that couldent be used before because there high retreat cost made them hard to play exaple being donphan and multiple other cards#2 is its level up card, flygon lvx for its poke body wind erosion that dicards a card from your oppenents deck inbetween turns which is phenominal#3 being sand wall,it gives flygon immunity to attacks from your oppenets pokemon when you discard a stadium card your oppenent has in play which has great potential

#2the decks that it can be used in are:flychamp,flyphan(a.k.a dumbo),stallgon,and just by itself

#3i explained that in #1

#4i give it 3 out of 5 because it has weakness to a lot of popular decks it the format

#5not so good it kinda lacks intrest in anything,its just a flygon
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

On it's own, it isn't much. If it's the only him active, nobody on your bench, and no stadium in play, all he's good for is the 60.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?


3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

You tend to see him, accompanied by his levelX in stall decks. Though, he can be used in any deck with big old heavy hitters with giant retreat costs.

the only decks he cant improve are those with a ton of basic (like luxrayGL), or something where feinting is a good thing (like gengar).

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

4/5. He can come in so handy, in a ton of circumstances and he fits in practicly any deck!

5. How's the artwork?

it's not great, but at least it's not ugly. 3/5
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
On it's own, great. It's attacks can give immunity or do up to 110 damage. Colorless type lets it eat Garchomp (though Gengar has resistance). Free retreat is icing on the cake.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Popular? Flychamp. So much Flychamp.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Like Luxray, anything. Have a powerfu pokemon with high retreat? Throw in a 1-1-1 Flygon. Not that hard.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4/5. The Level Up makes it even better.
5. How's the artwork?
Just Okay. Kouki Saitou has done better, but it's still fine. 8/10.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential?

Well, this Flygon can do well on its own. He's got a good second attack that can do 60 plus 10 for each evolved Pokemon on the bench. This can be quite good since Flygon is a stage 2 Pokemon, further meaning you run Evolutions. Indeed, Flygon will do well on its own.

2. What popular metagame decks has it been used in?

There have been many decks that have used Flygon. Stallgon is one great example. It takes advantage of its Lv.X and its Basic Stage Pokemon, Trapinch, to make the deck work well. Using memory berry on this Flygon, you can use Trapinch from Secret Wonder's Sand Tomb to keep the defending Pokemon from retreating. Using the Lv.X, you discard the top card of your opponent's deck. This can let you deck out your opponent easily. Flychamp is another good example, and it is currently the most popular Flygon build. It is used primarily to counter SPs. Dark Flygon is another well known deck. It uses Weavile from Secret Wonders to turn Flygon into a dark type, and then Flygon uses Special {D} energies to do even more damage. We really have seen lots of Flygon decks in the metagame.;)

3. What comboes can you use it with? How so?

Nidoqueen is pretty much the only one that comes into my mind. Nidoqueen lets Flygon live more, and it helps to add damage for Flygon's attack. Of course, Claydol also would work. It provides consistency, and it also adds damage for Flygon's second attack as well.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating?

I would give it a 4.5/5 in modified. Flygon has once again emerged to become good again in the metagame. He has a very nice poke-body that can give lots of Pokemon of yours free retreats. He even knows how to get rid of stadiums, and he will also do lots of damage with its second attack. With Double Colorless Energy out, Flygon has quite improved.

5. How's the artwork?

Well, its definitely a pretty cool artwork of Flygon. He just looks so aggresive in a mountanous environment. Kouki Saitou is really quite a good Pokemon artist. He did a really good job making this art for Flygon!
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

Depending on the deck it does a pretty good job. It is nice that it has the ability to discard an opponents stadium, especially if it does not benefit you. Power Swing can come in handy as well,.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Mostly Flygon variants.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

I love using this card for my Scepterra deck. It is great having the ability to retreat for free with Torterra's high retreat cost. I don't run Flygon decks, so it is mostly just for that.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I just love the pokebody and it comes in helpful, plus it gives Flygon decks more options. It is great as a tech or as an attacker.

5. How's the artwork?
The artwork is average. The background and pose could have been much different. It is very plain.
This card is nasty. It supports nearly any pokemon you can play, makes your opponent think twice before playing Stadium cards, hits hard when attacking with full benefits from Double Colorless Energy, resists Luxray GL, and retreats for free. Also, it levels up to a beast that slowly eats away at the opponents deck, potentially costing them cards they need and destroying any pokemon LV X they dare to play outright.

This deck plays especially well when paired with evolved pokemon that have a high retreat cost. A good number of them should come to mind. Nidoqueen gives survivability, Dusknoir is a pain to play against to start with, Machamp, the list goes on. Just pick a metagame deck with lots of evolved pokemon, and this card makes it better. Not so much Gengar and Beedrill, which retreat for free already.

To get the most out of Power Swing, you may want to consider leaving Uxie and Spiritomb out of your deck in favor of using Claydol as your draw engine.

Now let's say you don't want to play this card just because everyone else is, and you want to kill it. You're not without options. Garchomp C LV X murders it with Crobat G or Expert Belt, but it doesn't need either if Lake Boundary or Lucario GL is in play, or if the Flygon in question has leveled up. And happily enough, most SP decks call for Garchomp C. Dialga G would shut off it's PokeBody, but you run the risk of this thing leveling up and killing it with Extreme Attack, Garchomp C LV X is preferable because it can kill it quickly.

In theory, Palkia Lock can give it trouble, because Mesprit and Power Spray can slow it down early by preventing it from using Claydols, and Palkia G LV X would force the opponent to get rid of a couple precious evolved pokemon on their bench that powers up Power Swing. But again, Palkia would subsequently be murdered by Extreme Attack. Palkia Lock would benefit from the use of Lumineon from Stormfront to force something into the active spot before using Lost Cyclone to make the opponent's choice more difficult, but that would be a good strategy for a Palkia G article, wouldn't it?

Because Flygon has a PokeBody, it wouldn't be able to do a thing to Shedinja from Supreme Victors. In fact, most of the pokemon it would share a deck with would have either a PokePower or PokeBody, making them entirely helpless against Shedinja's fury.

I give Flygon from Rising Rivals a score of 4 out of 5.

I sound angry. Why? Because I got Flygon LV X at a Rising Rivals pre-release tournament, and I traded it away. Stupid, stupid, stupid... Never get carried away trading at pre-releases. Anyway, this card is terrific. Consider it when building any deck with evolved pokemon that may need help retreating, and consider ways of coping with it with any deck you build.
Flygon is a good card but not as good as he used to be. When this card came out it was way over hyped but it turned out being fairly good used in conjunction with Flygon X, Trapinch SW, fighting energy, and a Memory Berry. The reason I say it used to be good is because it was played best in Stallgon witch was a lock but over time and the release of other cards the lock has severely been weakened. Flygon definatly stands on it's own because it is about the only stage 2 evolution played in our meta, but it is still rarely played.
About the only decks in our meta that are actually competitive are Stallgon (witch won worlds) and Flychamp. Stallgon was the deck that locked but as I said the lack has severely been weakened and is not as good as it was. Then there is Flychamp. Flychamp is a combination of Flygon and Machamp, it is particularly good right now because of all the Pokemon Sp in play unless they play Unown G but still this deck can get around that easily. I am sorry I really don't want to go into the analysis of the deck because this is not the proper place to but if you would like an analysis on a deck feel free to PM me with your questions.
The best Pokemon that combo with this deck are Machamp, witch I explained above, and Nidoqueen witch I will go into now. Nidoqueen combos great with Flygon because of it's, "Maternal Convert" Poke-Body. The Body allows you to remove 1 damage counter form each of your Pokemon between turn, witch allows you to swap between 2 Flygon X's so you can heal 1 will attacking with the other, plus you get to discard the top card of your opponents deck witch is more of the strategy of Stallgon.
My rating for Flygon would be 3.5 out of 5 stars because it is good but is only really effective played in conjunction with Flygon X, and as for the artwork it is pretty good but it isn't anything special.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? This card is so useful. Especially in setup decks where it's levelled up. But on its own, it's still very useful. While it may waste a turn, it's worth it to grant various heavy hitters a free retreat. Especially Heatran Lv X in a fire deck. And even a deck with just a Claydol benched, you're already power swinging for 70. Level him up, and now hes dealing 60+, provides free retreat (even to himself no matter what!), takes out your opponent's stadiums (granting himself invincibility too!), discards cards from your opponent's deck, and snipes (many times, knocking out) you opponent's Lv Xs. I'd say Flygon is pretty deadly on his own!

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in? I dunno, I don't pay attention to the metagame. No tourneys anywhere near me.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so? In a fire deck that uses Heatran Lv X's poke power, Flygon can get Heatran X back to your bench the same turn you leveled him up thanks to rainbow float. I'm sure there are plenty other combos, but again....I cant go to tournaments to learn this stuff

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars). I'd give it a solid 5. The benefits he grants you are almost endless. A hard hitting attack plus a free retreat cost (that you can even spread to other pokemon) maky Flygon an awesome card. And let's not forget DCE's return, only further speeding up Flygon's attack!

5. How's the artwork? It's Flygon...flying. Seems appropriate. The holo background complements it nicely too. I dig the artwork.
this card was great in worlds 09 but it's definetly lost almost all of it's popularity and most of it's potential
hi Guys!! Greetings from Chile!!

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

In my opinion it has a lot of potential, because as a card has many characteristics that make it a pain in the neck, 1st of all it protects itself from attacks from basically every deck, mainly because each "standard" deck uses stadiums, so in a 80% of the times is completely effective. Great card!

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

"Flychamp. So much Flychamp." I agree with 6-Dimension. Also Flygon/donphan. I use it in my Flytops deck (flygon and kabutops) it has worked very well btw.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Flytops deck, already told u that, but basicaly because fossil do the hard work lowering pokemon's HP and flygon enters in play doing the dirty work, protecting itself with "sand wall" (remember that kabutops does massive damage and it restricts the use of trainers, while fighting type flygon puts damage counters in those damaged pokemons)

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

4 stars, because even when it is a really good card, Flygon LvX does not stands as "the card" because is useful against Lvx pokemons only, otherwise, kind of stink

5. How's the artwork?

mmmeh... i don't wanna answer that...
here is my thoughts on this card

A. umm well is it good but kind of a not ATM due to all the LuxChomp decks so yes it is playable (depending where you live) but not overley id say no to playing this at reginols no matter what why? because my area is coverd in LuxChomp

B. im not sure what popular meta's its used in mine its kind of used (senior new england) not excessively tho one here or there at every tourney so not the most popular card ATM

C. a lot of people use it with these combos (in new england)
1# with palkia = flytrap
2# with donphan = (i have no idea what or why)
3# with gardivoir = kind of a duel lock deck i suppose
4# by itself
5# with machamp = to counter all the SP's it loses to?

D. (***XX) 3/5 only 3 because i dont care for the card and its not that great of a play due to all the LuxChomp (but i already told you that :p) and because it doesn't have the most damage ATM and it doesn't have the most manipulation of you opponents field/plan

E. i like the artwork its nice better then the fighting flygons artwork from MT was it? so for the artwork its not bad not my all time fav but cool
uxie said:
here is my thoughts on this card

A. umm well is it good but kind of a not ATM due to all the LuxChomp decks so yes it is playable (depending where you live) but not overley id say no to playing this at reginols no matter what why? because my area is coverd in LuxChomp

B. im not sure what popular meta's its used in mine its kind of used (senior new england) not excessively tho one here or there at every tourney so not the most popular card ATM

C. a lot of people use it with these combos (in new england)
1# with palkia = flytrap
2# with donphan = (i have no idea what or why)
3# with gardivoir = kind of a duel lock deck i suppose
4# by itself
5# with machamp = to counter all the SP's it loses to?

D. (***XX) 3/5 only 3 because i don't care for the card and its not that great of a play due to all the LuxChomp (but i already told you that :p) and because it doesn't have the most damage ATM and it doesn't have the most manipulation of you opponents field/plan

E. i like the artwork its nice better then the fighting flygons artwork from MT was it? so for the artwork its not bad not my all time favorite but cool

True although the ability to hit a Lv.X with 150 damage (if you play the X) that makes it super effective against Luxchomp considering it is based around Lv.X's. On top of that it has a -20 resistance to Lightning so Luxray can only hit 50 at max. Though since we are just talking about Flygon it isn't as effect but yet still has the lightning resistance. Sorry if this is considered, "off topic" I just wanted to through it out to people who don't know much about Flygon that the X plays a major part in all of the Flygon decks in the meta.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

It stands good on it's own (= .
I dont do metagames ):
You can use powerswing over and over ( its my favorite move 2 )
5 stars the attacks are very good and FAIR for this card it has to evolve < ): but its still powerful plus it can have any energy!
AMazinG artwork good holo and just WOW artwork!! :D
1. It's almost flawless, yes flawless.
Because it's free powers/attacks can render useless andy strategy.
Verdict: very good to awesome.

2. Decks mm.... decks, really don't know but a deck who will have not so many legends or basic strong pokemon.

3. Combos with about any pokemon in the game and also staged pokemon.

4. {C}{C}{C}{C}{C} out five.

5. Very good, it give a cool yet tough feeling and that's what Flygon is about. Outstanding
seboextreme200 said:
1. It's almost flawless, yes flawless.
Because it's free powers/attacks can render useless andy strategy.
Verdict: very good to awesome.

2. Decks mm.... decks, really don't know but a deck who will have not so many legends or basic strong pokemon.

3. Combos with about any pokemon in the game and also staged pokemon.

4. {C}{C}{C}{C}{C} out five.

5. Very good, it give a cool yet tough feeling and that's what Flygon is about. Outstanding

I agree very awesome card Nice Artwork i would say 5 of 5

Awesome in Flylock decks
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
It has quite a lot of potential to stand out in the metagame.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Donphan? I think this alone is just good already.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
I can't think of any. Just evolve Pokemon on your bench and you already got the high damage output.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4/5. The weakness is just horrible but the HP and the attacks makes this rating favorable.

5. How's the artwork?
Honestly, I like it. Nice background and nice Flygon drawing. 4/5.
PokeBun said:
I agree very awesome card Nice Artwork i would say 5 of 5

Awesome in Flylock decks

True but Flylock is really weak in our meta. Besides Flylock is based around Flygon X's Poke-Body not Flygon. This thread is talking about Flygon not Flygon X.
bittyboy72 said:
This thread is talking about Flygon not Flygon X.

Yeah, I thought people would get that when I put up the regular Flygon instead of the Lv.X because this card has more attacks and more things going for it.

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

This card is great on its own and the Lv.X, but it's even better with partners to support like Machamp, Donphan, and Nidoqueen.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Flychamp, Flyphan, Flyqueen, etc.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

You can pair it with something that has a large Retreat, so you can Retreat for free with the Body. Obviously you can pair it with Evolutions so you can do more damage as well.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I'd give the card a 4/5. The card is still good (better at Cities/BR but still) and made even better with Donphan Prime. I think it can still do well at Regionals and on.

5. How's the artwork?

I like the artwork a lot. Sometimes they don't get dragon artwork right, but this one is exceptionally simple and really highlights the body.

dmaster out.
The Flygon card is a very good car is you know how to use it well i your deck. If you can get your deck to evolve very quickly along with Flygon itself, then you should be able to use this card to its best abilities. If I were to rate Flygo, I would give the card a 4/5, because I don't use it in any of my decks, and its power greatly depends on other pokemon.