For notable representative of Japan

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I'm sorry really crappy English.
Once a violation of the terms, please remove this article.
I will post on this BBS for the first time.
Recently, the Japanese representative of Pokemon card game has been selected.
I will introduce a special player.
He has a special ability, has been selected to represent Japan.
He can get in the first turn almost certainly there is only one card to deck.
And he is, "Rash" referred to in the Pokemon.
When he knocked the opponent's Pokemon, he may draw a side card more than the pecified number.
I can not introduce his name is personal information.
In Japan, we have to talk about him.
If you search a site in Japan you better, you will discover his name.
Who knows, all is not representative of Japan may have got the same ability with him.
This year's Japanese it is strong. In another sense.
let's go line by line for a great literary analysis of this poem:

My english is engrish, so I apologize in advance
If this is spam, or in the wrong section, please lock/move
It's my first post cut me some slack
Japan's introducing a new card
It's awesome
Great ability
Can get out t1 consistantly
IDK what this means, probably something to do with an event in the VGs where it will be a Rash nature
It's an EX, so you get an extra prize card
Height/Weight/Dex Entries are unknown
he's causing major hype in Japan (like mewtwo did here at first)
search some japanese sight for his name
who knows, maybe I'm just overhyping?
and IDK what the last line means lol

That's a translation for everybody. I think.

...either that or maybe he's trolling
I think he's talking about a Japanese Worlds player who has an amazing deck or amazing card in his deck. I still don't undertand his post, though.
Futachimaru said:
From the gymnasium, he's referring to some Japanese player who "cheats" his way to victory without anyone else knowing.

Reading this, then reading hoge's post again, I think it's a Japanese player who plays too fast and takes extra Prizes when the opponent isn't looking.

EDIT: Or he could be quickly checking hat Prize he picks before he takes them.
hoge, please clarify on what you mean. If not I am locking this as spam because right now, that's what it look like. For now I am moving this to TCG News and General Discussion.

Looks like a poetically written riddle to me.
I believe this IS a riddle. But I can't tell if it is abut a player we should be afraid of for worlds or some type of amazing card. Veeeeery interesting
Hoge, if you are trying to warn us, why not say it as clearly as you can and not in the form of a riddle?
Hoge, you need to either clarify what you're saying, or we're going to lock this.

This thread will undoubtedly attract tons of spam otherwise.
He is probably talking about a Japanese guy that will represent Japan at Worlds with an RDL deck or something.
Yeah, this is going nowhere.


Based on the PokeGym post, this is basically some Japanese guy accusing another Japanese guy of cheating. (?) Although it's anybody's guess as to what the intended meaning was.
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