Boy... do I miss when this game was more about playing and having fun than chasing cards for a profit... the game itself is at its peak. In short time it'll become what Magic has, a cult following with a core group of players. We have the cult following, but the core group is still in flux, gone is the day that we could just spend a couple dollars and play. Now you have to mortgage your house to have a deck viable enough to get anywhere within the meta. Commons costing 10-15$ a pop in expanded. Pokemon is turning so far away from what it was built on that soon enough it'll only be adults/older teenagers that can afford and calculate everything that now has to be done to stay relevant within the game. I know a lot of guys that all they do is Pokemon, they're so far in to the hustle aspect that if they had to stop, they wouldn't be able to function financially, and it's sad... this isn't Poker, which is known to be played for winnings, it's a children's card game that is moving towards being an esport that will take all relaxation of playing casually from it because of card prices that without them will diminish some fun from not being able to play certain decks. This is just my rant... I hate seeing more and more comments to do with "oh this card will fetch a nice price".. instead of actually talking about playing it..