Help Fossil Ditto


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Advanced Member
So recently I started getting into wanting to build meta decks of base through fossil format to play locally at my card store. Today we were running some games but had arguments regarding how Ditto works, the two questions were

1. Does double colorless effectively become double rainbow when attached to Ditto? I argued that due to it just saying any energy becomes any type it does, while my friend said any type doesn't mean it becomes double [color].

2. Can my friend promote the mysterious fossil that has 10HP, since its a basic, Ditto would then copy that 10HP and be knocked out right (assume Ditto has more than 10 damage on it). My opponent can then discard the fossil and promote his actual attacker since its still his turn.

Saw a couple forum post from 2006 but wanted to know if there was an actual website anywhere with WOTC era rulings, especially cause our two judges didn't know.
1. Yes, but you have to declare what Energy it's providing or else it will remain CC (you can change at any time):

Q. What if you put a Double Colorless energy on Ditto. What kind of energy does it produce?
A. Two energy of any [Basic] type. (June 29, 2000 WotC Chat, Q187)

Q. A recent ruling stated that you can choose the energy type attached to Ditto. What happens if you do not declare what type of Energy you want it to be?
A. If you don't declare, then they are whatever type of energy it really is. (Jan 25, 2001 WotC Chat, Q111)

2. Yes:

Q. Ditto's active with 20 damage. They put Mysterious Fossil as their active. What happens?
A. I'm assuming you mean they retreat and bring up Mysterious Fossil. Ditto transforms into Mysterious Fossil, only has 10 HP but already has 20 damage so it goes to the discard pile. It does NOT count as a Knocked out Pokemon (last ruling by R&D) as it is a copy of Mysterious Fossil, which does not count as a Knocked out Pokemon. (6-29-00 WotC Chat)

These are all official rulings and a fantastic resource for players and judges alike.