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Fossil Donk (Kabutops/Omastar) (Masters- Battle Roads)


Baked Potatoes....yum...
I love fossils. Absolutely my favorite type of pokemon in the game. Here's a deck that I've been playing since last spring Cities (and missed top cut due to head to head).

Pokemon: 16
2/1-2 Omastar AR (2 AR Omanyte/ 1 MD)
2/1-2 Kabutops AR (2 AR Kabuto/1 MD)
2 Aerodactyl AR
1 Relicanth SV
1 Regice
1 Uxie
1 Chatot G

4 Helix Fossil
4 Dome Fossli
3 Old Amber
3 Rare Candy
4 Fossil Excavator
2 Marley's Request
2 Vs. Seeker
2 Switch
1 Expert Belt
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Bebe's

6 {W}
9 {F}

Pretty much hope to start with the Dome fossil next and try to get a T1 (If going second) or a T2 Kabutops and and Start attacking right away. Omastar is there for late game attacking and easy kills/disruption with Time Spiral or Primal tentacles attacks. Regice of course spiritomb tech and Chatot as well.

Ways this deck took a hit after rotation:
Well this deck originally had 3 Roseanne's in it along with a GE Relicanth.

Also with the new Vileplume I need to figure out what I can add to help speed the deck up even more.

What I replaced on my own:
-3 Roseanne's
+2 Cryus's Conspiracy
+1 Uxie
-1 Relicanth GE
+1 Chatot
There is more then one way around any trainer lock deck. Especially when it comes to fossils. There is a reason why my omanyte and kabuto aren't all from the same set.

I guess my question is what would you do in that kind of situation and what should I take out to fix that?
I don't think there is a solution. If they get a trainer lock set up you're stuck unless you can kill their vileplume.