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Fossil Feature (Cradily Deck)


Frontier Brain
I need constructive help with this deck. There are a lot of cards so this could take a while.
1x Cradily(Plasma Blast)
1x Lileep(Plasma Blast)
1x Archen(Plasma Blast)
1x Archeops(Plasma Blast)
1x Tirtouga(Plasma Blast)
1x Carracosta(Plasma Blast)
1x Terrakion-EX(Dragons Exalted)
1x Riolu(Plasma Storm)
1x Lucario(Plasma Storm)
1x Electrike(Dragons Exalted)
1x Vulpix(Legendary Treasures)
1x Ninetales(Legendary Treasures)
1x Venusaur(Dark Explorers)
1x Magnezone(Plasma Storm)
1x Shiftry(XY Flashfire)
1x Eevee(Plasma Freeze)
1x Leafeon(Plasma Freeze
1x Magnezone-EX(XY Flashfire)
3x Evosoda(XY)
2x Professor's Letter(XY)
2x Ultra Ball(Plasma Blast)
1x Sacred Ash(XY Flashfire)
1x Startling Megaphone(XY Flashfire)
1x Scoop Up Cyclone(Plasma Blast)
3x Professor Juniper(Plasma Blast)
2x Colress(Plasma Storm)
2x Skyla(Boundaries Crossed)
2x Pokémon Center Lady(XY Flashfire)
3x Twist Mountain(Dark Explorers)
6x Fighting
5x Lightning
5x Grass
2x Water
Try to get Cradily in play ASAP. Set up and sweep with Terrakion-EX, Magnezone-EX, Manectric, Archeops, Lucario, Leafeon, and Shiftry

Carracosta- Pyroar counter
Ninetales- Virizion Genesect counter

This decks will counter most popular decks like Yveltal, Blastoise, and Darkrai.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
RE: Fossil Feat. (Cradily Deck)

Countering every deck is not going to work out for you. Make a deck that works well then work you your way through it from there. Pyroar is a really good counter for a lot of good decks. Then get something like Tool Scaper or Megaphone to counter garbodor.

If you really want to run with this idea. Use 4 Rainbow Energy. It works for every type the only draw back is -10 health.

Maybe something like this could work for you.
2 Litleo
2 Pyroar
4 Eevee
2 Leafeon
2 Jolteon
2 Glaceon
3 Flareon
2 Umbreon

It gets a lot of the type advantages plus you can just discard what you don't need for flareons attack.