Ruling fossil help


Aspiring Trainer
if at the beginning of the dual if I draw energy cards and an old amber fossil does this count as no basics or can I play the old aber fossil as a basic pokemon?
If you have a Fossil card in your hand, and no other basic Pokémon, you must play down the fossil card as a Basic Pokémon.

Q. At the beginning of the game, can I start with a Mysterious/Claw/Root Fossil as my Active Pokémon even if I have another "real" Pokémon on the bench?
A. Yes, you can start with a Fossil Trainer card as your Active Pokémon, at the start of the game. (Oct 2, 2003 PUI Rules Team)

This states you can have a Fossil trainer card as your starting Active Pokémon. Therefore you have to play down the Fossil if it's your only basic in the hand.