Ruling Fossil Question


Democrat to the End
Advanced Member
So, I am thinking about playing a Rampardos deck, and I need to know this:
Can my starting Pokemon be a Skull Fossil?
I already know that I cannot play one from my hand if I start first. Is this similar? Help!
Yes, you can start with Skull fossil, since it's a basic Pokemon when it isn't in your hand...
Someone had a question about this at my league, so a Judge answered. That's how I know.

Hope I helped!
Yes, it can be your starting Pokémon. I've seen that happen before against me, and I've had that happen to me when I played Rampardos Tech. It can be your starting Pokémon.
It's one of those silly "in play" things. There actually used to be a rule that you could choose to mulligan if a fossil was the only thing in your hand that would count as a basic. With the newer rules, if you have a fossil, you have to play it as your basic. That is the only time that card is looked at as a basic while not sitting on the bench or playing field. Roseanne's can't even pick it up in the deck, and Dialga G's deafen prevents it from being played.