Ruling fossils with spiritomb


Aspiring Trainer
In my opening hand, if I have say 5 random cards, 1 spiritomb ar, and 1 dome fossil, can i lay spiritomb active (face down), and dome fossil on my bench (face down) before the flip, to start evolving the fossil? how does the ruling work regarding tomb and fossils? ive seen ppl post deck lists using tomb and fossils, but how to play them? is there any way to get a fossil from the deck to the bench, such as great ball (for basics), or not? i'm confused on this ruling. Thanks.
Spiritomb stops Trainers from being played while he's Active. Fossils are Trainers until you play them (then they are both Trainers _and_ Pokemon).

So, when Spiritomb is Active, no Fossil cards can be played from the hand. It's as simple as that.

Fossils are not considered Pokemon until they are in play, so no card that searches the deck (or discard pile, or Prizes, or Lost Zone) for Pokemon can't get fossils.

The setup phase is not considered during a turn, so yes, you may put any number of Fossils on the Bench during setup, before the game begins. Just remember that once those cards are flipped, you can't play any more Fossils until Spiritomb leaves the Active spot.
During set up it is possible to put Spiritomb as your active Pokemon and a fossil on the bench. After that, a fossil can't be played onto the bench from the hand because it is treated as a trainer card still. Great Ball will not work because while a fossil is in the deck it is treated as a trainer card.~Mark
edit: ninja'd