

I like Pokémon more than Water Pokémon Master
I'm building a Donphan Prime Deck currently, with Machamp SF support, but I'm looking at September when SF (and earlier) are phased out. One of my most likely candidates would be Rampardos PT, but the problem is getting the fossil in the first place. It's not Bebe searchable, and Fossil Excavator is going to be phased out as well. Is there any card (besides Chatot G, which I may go with) that can search out trainers? Have I overlooked anything?

EDIT: Of course there's Aerodactyl, but the wrong set of fossils :p

EDIT 2: Looks like there's Munchlax too, for 2 energy, but at least you don't lose 'em to the deck after use
Relicanth GE can. For no energy, you search your deck for three Trainer cards with Fossil in its name and sticks it into your hand.

I'd be careful about playing Fossils, though. Spiritomb would lock them.
That's from Great Encounters though, I'm referring to Platinum on, otherwise Fossil Excavator would be possible.