Hello !
I love yveltal, that's pretty much all that's important here! I only want MINT cards. No scratches. I accept one or two tiiiiny white dots on the back though.
Here's all the yveltal I miss :

I can buy or I can trade, but more than one at a time with the exception of very valuable cards.
I can buy the victory ring featuring yveltal (and xerneas), but don't expect a price with four digits.
If you find an error, or an info I'm missing, please feel free to correct me. I began collection all different languages only recently, which explains the current state of my collection and the lack of information for some languages.
If you know of a card featuring Yveltal (even in the background) that's not referenced, please tell me !!!
052 Decidueye GX FA
054 Primarina GX FA
055 Vikavolt GX FA
058 Drampa GX FA
059 Decidueye GX HR
060 Incineroar GX HR
063 Toxapex GX HR
064 Sylveon GX HR
I'm also looking for Japanese packs :
Darkness, to light x1
All of e-series 1st ed x2
All of ADV-series 1st ed x2
All of DP-series 1st ed x2 (except DP3&DP5)
DPt1 1st ed x2
DPt3 1st ed x2
BW1 White Collection 1st ed x2
BW1 Black Collection 1st ed x2
XY1 Collection Y 1st ed x2
English packs I might be interested in (only trades, 1 for each artwork):
Base set 2
Gym challege
Gym heroes
Legendary collection
Ex Team Rocket returns
Legendary treasures
English packs (not tampered with): 1 roaring skies, 2 fates collide, 1 breakthrough, 1 noble victories, 1 dragons exalted
English cards: Lugia EX (LTR), Shaymin EX FA (RC21), Reshiram FA (RC22), Emolga FA (RC23), Mew EX FA (RC24), Meloetta EX FA (RC25)
Japanese packs:
3x Jungle
3x Fossil
3x Rocket Gang
3x Gold, Silver, to a new world
3x Crossing the ruins
Japanese cards:
BW: a few holos and EXs (no FAs) from all sets, ask if interested
XY1 Purple Villion (can be a little less than mint)
XY5 almost all holos (both sets) + MGardevoir EX + Primal Kyogre EX, all 1st ed
XY7 almost all holos + MSceptile EX + Hoopa EX + Tyranitar EX + Lugia EX + Machamp EX, all 1st ed
XY7 Lugia EX SR unlimited
CP2 Reshiram FA + Black Kyurem FA, all 1st ed
All CP3 commons and uncommons + Flareon EX, all 1st ed
All CP5 commons + Darkrai FA, all 1st ed
SM1+ almost all commons & uncos (except Lunala) + Decidueye GX + Sylveon GX + Drampa GX
Japanese promos:
Emboar EX (deck)
BW216 Black Kyurem
BW217 White Kyurem
XY051 Xerneas (sealed)
XY122 Shiny Rayquaza EX (sealed)
XY127 Blaziken EX
XY155 Hoopa FA (sealed)
XY268 Magearna FA
17/146 Vivillon blue pattern (two corners damaged)
I love yveltal, that's pretty much all that's important here! I only want MINT cards. No scratches. I accept one or two tiiiiny white dots on the back though.
Here's all the yveltal I miss :

I can buy or I can trade, but more than one at a time with the exception of very valuable cards.
I can buy the victory ring featuring yveltal (and xerneas), but don't expect a price with four digits.
If you find an error, or an info I'm missing, please feel free to correct me. I began collection all different languages only recently, which explains the current state of my collection and the lack of information for some languages.
If you know of a card featuring Yveltal (even in the background) that's not referenced, please tell me !!!
052 Decidueye GX FA
054 Primarina GX FA
055 Vikavolt GX FA
058 Drampa GX FA
059 Decidueye GX HR
060 Incineroar GX HR
063 Toxapex GX HR
064 Sylveon GX HR
I'm also looking for Japanese packs :
Darkness, to light x1
All of e-series 1st ed x2
All of ADV-series 1st ed x2
All of DP-series 1st ed x2 (except DP3&DP5)
DPt1 1st ed x2
DPt3 1st ed x2
BW1 White Collection 1st ed x2
BW1 Black Collection 1st ed x2
XY1 Collection Y 1st ed x2
English packs I might be interested in (only trades, 1 for each artwork):
Base set 2
Gym challege
Gym heroes
Legendary collection
Ex Team Rocket returns
Legendary treasures
English packs (not tampered with): 1 roaring skies, 2 fates collide, 1 breakthrough, 1 noble victories, 1 dragons exalted
English cards: Lugia EX (LTR), Shaymin EX FA (RC21), Reshiram FA (RC22), Emolga FA (RC23), Mew EX FA (RC24), Meloetta EX FA (RC25)
Japanese packs:
3x Jungle
3x Fossil
3x Rocket Gang
3x Gold, Silver, to a new world
3x Crossing the ruins
Japanese cards:
BW: a few holos and EXs (no FAs) from all sets, ask if interested
XY1 Purple Villion (can be a little less than mint)
XY5 almost all holos (both sets) + MGardevoir EX + Primal Kyogre EX, all 1st ed
XY7 almost all holos + MSceptile EX + Hoopa EX + Tyranitar EX + Lugia EX + Machamp EX, all 1st ed
XY7 Lugia EX SR unlimited
CP2 Reshiram FA + Black Kyurem FA, all 1st ed
All CP3 commons and uncommons + Flareon EX, all 1st ed
All CP5 commons + Darkrai FA, all 1st ed
SM1+ almost all commons & uncos (except Lunala) + Decidueye GX + Sylveon GX + Drampa GX
Japanese promos:
Emboar EX (deck)
BW216 Black Kyurem
BW217 White Kyurem
XY051 Xerneas (sealed)
XY122 Shiny Rayquaza EX (sealed)
XY127 Blaziken EX
XY155 Hoopa FA (sealed)
XY268 Magearna FA
17/146 Vivillon blue pattern (two corners damaged)
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