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[Fun] Tornadus / Landorus


Dunsparce Hoarder
So normally when I post here, it's with well thought out and strategic decks that may or may not serious potential in the upcoming formats. This post is not one of those. I'm between decks at the moment and just to make something fun to pass the time while I work on other lists so I made this. Originally it spawned from the old turbo Tornadus decks, The list was initially just Tornadus with Beartic but after a few games against Thunderus Dedenne and Raichu I added the Landorus to help. I'm only posting this because well, it's winning, a lot. I play on PTCGO so not every match is against your top decks but I've played against Virizion and Yveltal and Plasma a number of times and I win more than I lose.

Pokemon: 15

  • 4 Tornadus EX (Dark Explorers)
    3 Tornadus (Furious Fists)
    2 Landorus EX (Boundaries Crossed)
    1 Landorus (Furious Fists)
    2 Cubchoo (Furious Fists)
    2 Beartic (Furious Fists)
    1 Jirachi EX (Plasma Blast)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36

  • 4 N
    2 Juniper
    2 Battle Reporter
    2 Hugh
    2 Skyla
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Lysandre

    4 Bicycle
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Virbank City Gym
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Energy Switch
    2 Escape Rope
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Professors Letter
    1 Energy Retrieval
    1 Computer Search
Energy: 9

  • 4 DCE
    5 Fighting

I've never in my life seen such a messed up set of supporters let alone did I think I'd be using it but I never find myself short on draw support in games. The most questionable 2 are the Hugh and Battle Reporter which are explained by the non ex Tornadus. His second attack hits for 120 if your hand size matches your opponents and both of this supporters match your hand size in a different way. It seems like a little much just to accommodate one attack but both supporters have been surprisingly good in their own rights. Having an opponent Colress to 9 cards and either matching their 9 card hand or forcing them back down to 5 is very strong in some situations. There is not much to explain it is simple attach and beatdown as fast as you can and Beartic counters Pyroar. I'm 99% sure this would benefit from garbodor but Idk I'm having from with the current mess of a list.