XY Furfrou Grooming: Keep It In Your Party


Poochena Trainer
Got my Furfrou groomed to the "diamond" style and played some to level it and then put it in the pc to work on someone else for a bit. Ended up going to bed and then not even 24 hours after spending the money to get it groomed, it's back to normal. Anyone else run into this? Must you keep it in your party for all 5 days for it to keep the grooming and not waste the money? Not like we can Action Replay max money in this version of the game so rather irritated it was not worth doing. Was curious so wanted to ask here to see if anyone had heard anything or had it happen.
RE: Groomed Furfrou must be in party to keep style?

I think something like that happened with my Furfrou when I was playing X; I got it trimmed to the Pharaoh Style and then put it in the PC, and a while later I decided to do some Wonder Trade stuff, and Furfrou was there and it's common and all so I decided to trade it; on the summary screen (and the trade screen) it had its normal shaggy coat.
RE: Groomed Furfrou must be in party to keep style?

yep happened to me when i placed in box then took out before closing the box by accident.

Once its in a box it reverts back to normal and you have to keep it on your party 24 hours 5 days a week to keep in the style.
RE: Groomed Furfrou must be in party to keep style?

I don't understand why they didn't make it similar to Rotom in the way it can keep its forms.

Once you get one groomed, you should be able to go back and change the style of Furfrou any time you want and it'll stay that way until you want to change it again, regardless of if it's in a box. The requirements to keep it in a style is mostly worthless the way they did it IMO.

dmaster out.
RE: Furfrou Grooming: Must Keep It In Party

Heya, just letting you know that I changed the title to help promote more general Furfrou grooming discussion, feel free to talk about any specifics involving the grooming mechanics.

The-Kaiser said:
yep happened to me when i placed in box then took out before closing the box by accident.

Once its in a box it reverts back to normal and you have to keep it on your party 24 hours 5 days a week to keep in the style.

Does that really make it keep its style?
yep it has to stay in party at all times to stay in whatever style cut you chosen

and it will stay groomed in the party for 5 days then go back to normal
Appreciate the replies. Was afraid I was glitched or something. Was also afraid you had to keep it in the party to keep the style. Dumb but learn from the mistake and don't worry with styling the thing. Just level and be done with it. Hope everyone is having fun in Kalos. *waves*
Well, it did happen to me. I had my Ferfa (a female Furfrou) groomed to the La Reine style, and put it in my PC box to train some other Pokemon; and when I put my original party back (which will change after Poke-Transporter is released), Ferfra's trim was gone! I didn't mind, but I was shocked to discover that the Furfrou's trim wasn't registered in my Pokedex. I also didn't mind, but I wanted to see Furfrou's different trims in the Pokedex.
Grooming Furfrous in those ridiculous styles in the first place is cruel and unusual punishment. Pokemon are friends, not... dolls.
You guys complaining about having to style your Furfrou every time you want to show it off clearly are not stylish enough to own one.
Does it last after 5 days if you do it a lot? There is a woman in the Cafe Woof that says something about coming back to see her if it lasts 15 days, I think.