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Furious Elephant HGSS-on Any


See you space cowboy...
Pokemon 21
4-3-4 Machamp (3 Prime/1 TR)
3-3 Donphan
3 Cleffa
1 Smeargle

TSS 26
4 Collector
3 Communication
3 Energy Search
3 Seeker
1 Twins
2 energy retrieval
3 Rare Candy
4 Switch

Energy 13
10 Fighting

Start with cleffa or smeargle to build up a quick donphan start attacking hard and quick using earthquake placin damage on bench than build up a machamp prime for a champ buster.
I don't really like energy search. I say take em out for another fighting energy and two oaks/junipers for draw power. Otherwise it seems pretty solid. Good luck
Yeah...since Energy Search only gets one Energy, and you can't search for anything besides a Fighting Energy, it is effectively a Fighting Energy that you can't play if your opponent is trainer-locking you, so it is literally obsolete here.

Probably replace Energy Retrieval with Flower Shop Lady, a Fighting Energy with a Double Colorless Energy, and 3 Cleffa with Smeargles. Cleffa are very flippy, and die from 3 Earthquakes (Were you just going to let it die, or retreat it and kill it with Donphan?)

-1 Switch
+1 Pokemon Communication