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Furious Fairies (Xerneas / Aromatisse / Yveltal EX / Beartic)


Aspiring Trainer
This deck is kinda archetype of Aromatisse/Big Basics, and Yveltal-decks. But I made this, because Prism Energy aren't playable anymore, so Aromatisse/Big Basics aren't so workable... But now, here's the deck :

Pokemon: 14

  • 2x Xerneas [X&Y #96]
    2x Spritzee [X&Y #92]
    2x Aromatisse [X&Y #93]
    2x Yveltal EX [Black Star Promo - #XY08]
    1x Seismitoad EX [Furious Fists #20]
    1x Lucario EX [Furious Fists #54]
    2x Cubchoo [Furious Fists #21]
    2x Beartic [Furious Fists #22]
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 35

  • 4x Professor Sycamore
    4x N
    2x Skyla
    1x Korrina
    2x Colress
    2x Lysandre
    1x Pokémon Fan Club
    3x Muscle Band
    2x Ultra Ball
    2x Energy Retrieval
    2x Max Potion
    2x Evosoda
    1x Switch
    1x Pal Pad
    1x Sacred Ash
    1x Startling Megaphone
    1x Computer Search
    3x Fairy Garden
Energy: 11

  • 8x Fairy Energy
    3x Rainbow Energy

Xerneases are loading energy to the game with their Geomancy-named attack, which takes one Fairy Energy from the deck to 2 of your benched pokémon. Aromatisses moves the energies with Fairy Transfer, what Xerneas loaded to the game. Yveltal-EX:s are the main attackers of the deck, along with Seismitoad-EX, which makes Trainer Lock for disturbing opponent's game. Lucario-EX is the counter of the Electric-type pokémons, who are the weakness of Yveltals. Beartics are the Pyroar-counters of deck, because all of the attackers in this deck are Basics, and Aromatisse does too little damage with too big Energy Cost.
Lucario EX is a bit of a odd and probably a bad choice. Reason being is that you need to use Rainbow Energy which are probably better suited to Yveltal EX. You're not bad for draw support so I'd think another good replacement for Lucario EX would be Landorus EX. Snipe for 30/30 is a good attacker which you can swap the Rainbow onto Yveltal for that knockout.

I'd also take out Korrina as it doesn't gell with this deck. Another Skyla would be a better card here. Dropping one Evosoda for an Ultra Ball would help searching Aromatisse better.