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Furious Fists Blaziken (Blaziken / Pyroar / Registeel EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everybody! I'm new to this forum and I was looking for feedback on this deck I might build. It's my first time sharing a deck list so cut me some slack for obvious errors ☺️

Blaziken deck

  • 2-2 Pyroar (Flash Fire)
    3-2-3 Blaziken (Furious Fist)
    2 Registeel EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    (15 Pokemon)

  • 3 Blacksmith
    2 N
    3 Shauna
    2 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre Trump Card
    2 Juniper
    2 Skyla
    2 Fiery Torch
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Level Ball
    1 Sacred Ash
    2 Bicycle
    2 Roller Skates
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Rare Candy
    2 Evosoda
    (33 Supporters)

  • 2 DCE
    6 Fire Energy
    (12 Energy)
= 60 Cards


• Turn 1 ➡️ Set up 2 Litleos and a Torchic (attach energy to Torchic)
• Turn 2 ➡️ Evolve either first or second Litleo into a Pyroar as a wall and either Rare Candy for a Blaziken or evolve Torchic into a Combusken (attach energy to Combusken/Blaziken)
• Turn 3 ➡️ Fully set up Blaziken for Burning Shot (150 snipe damage) with a potential +30 damage if attacking opponent's Active with Silver Bangle (correct me if I'm wrong about the Bangle)
• Next couple of Turns ➡️ use Blacksmith to hit back to back 150-180 damage while setting up next Blaziken
> Registeel is for spread 30 damage on already damaged EX's
> Mewtwo is for energy hogs like other Mewtwos or Yveltal

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance!