furret sw or claydol ge

It depends, really. Furret is used as a starter Pokemon so you can get our your Stage 2's really quickly. (Keen eye for Candy + Evolution, etc. etc.)

Claydol is pretty much a staple in every deck. Simply because it helps you draw and keep a balanced hand. (Plus you can recover from Wager and Absol.)

If your running a Stage 2 deck, run both. =D

If it's not a Stage 2 deck, then run Claydol. But instead of a Furret as a starter, you may want to try Pachirisu/Phione. =].
This thread goes into TCG Discussion. TCG Questions is meant for questions regarding er... How to play the game and stuff, I think. :S

claydol is a better one that can be used the hole game and is safer on the bench but furret gets you exactly what you want.
Go for claydol.
P.S what deck is it
you should use claydoll because it is a poke power that works on your bench so you can attack just like cacgbass has said
Speed or consistency? It all depends. Do you have a Banette deck that MUST win on turn 5 with speed or a too-slow Garchomp deck that can battle steadily for an hour? I have won a lot tournaments with both. I like Claydol more, but of course it's your decision.
but dont forget about gardivoirs shutting down powers, no claydols then :(