Future Guest Appearances


An average, normal Pokemon fan.
Who do you think should make an appearance in the future? Also, how would the episode go?

*Rubs chin*
Episode name-Psys gone bad (XD)

So ash, dawn and Brock walking down a path and see an alakazam hurt brock runs up to it and whatever the dub's script says he does it (ash says check it's pulse) and brock takes it into care but following them is Sabrina thinking they stole it so she bursts into the pokemon center demandng her alakazam back. Sabrina meets with everyone says hi talks about everything when suddenly the roof explodes and team rocket manage to steal the alakazam but pikachu uses thunder like every other episode and evryone saves the day lalala everybodys happy and ash continues his journey and everyone forgets so this episode was COMPLETELY useless filler

that was all of the top of my head
Character Appearence: Richie (from Pokemon chronicles)
Episode Title: When Two Trainers Unite

Plot: As Ash, Dawn, and Brock are finally cross the Sunnyshore seas to the pokemon center before Victory Road, Ash and Brock see a fimiliar figure healing his Pokemon. After realizing it is Rickie, Ash and Brock introduces him to Dawn and Ash and Richie decide to face it out in a Pokemon battle. Suddenly Team Rocket dashes off with Richie and Ash's Pikachus into the Victory Road cave up ahead causing Ash and the gang to the retrieve the stolen Pokemon. As they make their way through the dark and terrifying cave that leads to the elite four, Ash helps Richie catch a Medicham teaching him how to believe in himself and he suceeds. As they approach a light at the end of the cave, Richie takes out Team Rocket almost all by himself with Ash's pikachu using Volt Tackle with Richie's pikachu on top of it using Thunder Bolt as Ash's Pikachu lunges towards the Team Rocket air balloon sending them straight off into the horizon. Richie learns to build more confidence for his training. Ash is now at his destination point: The Elite Four- which will test his skill to it's full potential.
Character Apperance: Tracey
Episode Title: Gotta Sketch 'em All! :)P)

Synopsis: Ash, Dawn and Brock are traveling to Sunyshore when they meet a group of Smeargle. One seems to catch their attention as it runs away when it sees them. They chase the Smeargle to it's owner, which is Tracey! Ash introduces Dawn to Tracey (and vice versa). Tracey says Prof. Oak gave him a job to do. He wanted Tracey to go to Sinnoh and sketch wild Sinnoh Pokemon, since Prof. Oak loves his work. He showed them a sketch of the group of wild Smeargle that the group saw earlier. Meanwhile, Jessie, James and Meowth have spotted them and talk about catching Tracey's Smeargle to give to the boss. But, Cassidy and Butch also want the Smeargle as Prof. Nanba has ordered them to steal it. As they walk down the path to Sunyshore, a robotic arm grabs Smeargle and Pikachu! Jessie, James and Meowth laugh and say their motto. As their done, a beam of light tears a hole through the ballon and it comes crashing with a thud. Cassidy and Butch walk up with a new Pokemon, a Hippowdon. Hippowdon launched another Hyper Beam. Jessie tells Wobbufett to Counter it. It does and sends Cassidy, Butch and the Hippowdon "blasting off again"! Dawn sends out Piplup to help Smeargle and Pikachu escape. Meowth lunges towards Piplup and Dawn orderes Piplup to use Whirlpool. It traps Meowth in it and also traps Jessie, James and Wobbufett in it as well. It sends them spinning down the path away from the group. They free Smeargle and Pikachu and finally reach Sunyshore. Tracey tells Prof. Oak he was boarding the next ship back to Vermilion and he was going to be back in Pallet that night. And the gang bides farwell to Tracey as his ship leaves the port

It would be cool to see him come back, and stay with the group for a couple of episodes, like Cheryl, and Soledad.
Scooby Doo and Shaggy. They have to solve a mystery or something and the culprit is Professor Oak.
I think Brandon(you know, the last battle frontier guy) should make a guest appearance.
Guest appearance: Gary Oak
Episode name: A rival reunite

Ash finally get's all badges and heads off to the pokemon league but before he enters a person shouts his name. Ash brock pikachu and dawn turn around and finds Gary walking up to them. Gary challenges ash to a battle by saying "are you up for a warm up?" and ash accepts.
Gary throws one of his pokeballs up in the air and what comes out is an eevee it cries and get's ready in a stance. Ash sends out a staravia
I will update soon for the battles
WARNING!!! Lame plot ideas have been know to kill people out of stupidity. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Misty confesses feelings for Ash..., that won't happen until Ash (finally) becomes Pokemon Master. By then, Brock would have still been with him (just to flirt with the vast amount of Nurse Joys and Officer Jenny "sisters" and "cousins", or in the case of the Valley Wind Works episode (the one with Drifloon?), "daughters" Boy, I wonder how their parrents sleep at night having a large family (unless of course THEIR family was big, but I am thinking way to deep about it.))
Ash would have also been to 50 regions, with 50 other (most likely "mature") girls (not counting Misty May & Dawn)

Team Rocket, for some reason, may actualy catch Pikachu and give it to Giovanni, only to find out after 50+ regions, Pikachu isn't powerful. Jessie and James an Meowth get fired. They go sperate ways, just as Ash is looking for Pikachu. Then this thing happens, Pikachu uses it powerful thunderbolt with other Pikachu (a la Pokemon episode 2) and Giovanni wants it, along with Jessie, James and Meowth getting re-hired. Then there is this whole arc thing or whatever where Ash battles Giovanni, and realizes who his father is :)P You wish!). Ash, along his friends that are girls (all 50+ of them, including Misty, May and Dawn), watch his battle to save Pikachu which for some reason, Giovanni is putting on global broadcast. Ash (obviously) wins, but then (gasp!) Silver (Giovanni's son in the games, manga and TCG)battles Ash. Pikachu is being hurt with powerful power boosters, and can't take much for long. Ash then "dies" or something (turns into ice) do to a powerful ice beam from Silver's Glampurr (evolution of Glameow and Purrugly). Every is sad but then (bigger gasp!) Ho-Oh, out of no where, comes down. Silver tries to catch it, but it is way to powerful. Ho-Oh restores Ash, being the human who, "truly loves Pokemon (in Ho-Oh speak, translated by Meowth)" Ash gets up, and beats Silver. Everyone is happy. Ash and Pikachu reunite. Brock is, "going home' (flirting with more woman), so it is just Misty (she was with Ash during the arc, the rest just saw him on T.V.). The go to the balcony under the moonlight, with a breeze. (Misty either does: A) Confess feeling (not actual feelings, but "more than friends feelings" OR B) recall when they first traveled at the very start of his Journey, few flashbacks, yada yada). The next morning, Misty leaves. Just as she does, Professor Oak (they are in Kanto), congratulates Ash on defeating, "such an evil man." Ash asks where is Giovanni is, with Oak replying a long story that he is in hiding, along with Jessie, James and Meowth. He also mentions the sudden disappearance of other bad teams (Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, ect.) Ash and Misty question each other about what might happen in the future.

Meanwhile, Giovanni of Team Rocket (including Jessie, James and Meowth), Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, plus all of the other bad teams leaders, meet up somewhere secret, discussing about how to "catch" what they all want. Then it would all end with: To be continued...?

^^^This kind of special would have brought so much attention back to Pokemon, that they would start YET ANOTHER REGION, SERIES, ECT.`
wow... you can't get over the Misty ♥ Ash thing... lol

if that happened with Team Rocket that would be funny :p

guest: Giovanni himself
Plot: Giovanni enters a contest with a disguise and tries to steal all of the Pokémon...
I love Pokeshipping.... sue me.

Also, it kinda did happen to TR...
In DP080, some guy wants to catch a Yangma, but when he has the chance, Jessie cathces it. When she give it to the boss (for once :p), he refuses it, saying it is common and weak (someone is a Paul fanboy. just saying...)
sure try to kill my eyes!!

that would be funny too... then Jesse would keep it!! or did that really happen??