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Expanded Future GX Deck Snorlax GX/Lunala GX/Hypno


Aspiring Trainer
Pulverize Pancake

x2 Snorlax GX
x2 Lunala GX
x2 Hypno BKP
x2 Drowzee Evolutions
x4 Klefki

x2 Asperia City Gym
x2 Faded Town

x4 Ultraball
x2 Nest Ball
x4 Max Elixir
x4 VS seeker
x2 Fighting Fury Belt
x4 Max Potions
x2 Professor Letter

x4 Pokemon Ranger
x2 Sycamore
x2 Skyla
x2 Professor Birches Observation
x2 Bridgette

x8 Psychic Energy
x2 Mystery Energy

Cards 60

The Idea here is to stack Snorlax as fast as posible with Max Elixir for his attack that does 180 if he is asleep. You use hypno's ability that puts both active pokemon asleep so that you can continuosly do his 180 damage attack. The fighting fury belt brings it to 190 damage and also brings his HP to 230 with Asperia City Gym he now has 250 HP. Use Lunala GX to transfer the psy energy off then Max Potion then Move psy energy back on. You now have an endless Sleeping Snorbomb. Use Lunala GX's GX Move to knock out a Basic Non GX like a Basic EX to gain 2 prizes easy. Clean up with your very hard to KO Snorlax. I was also thinking about running Weakness Policy so I can't be one hit KO'd by a Fighting Deck. Any suggestions to make this Standard would be Kool too. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
I really like your idea of using Snorlax and Hypno together! I think this deck has a lot of potential.

A few suggestions:

- If you are running 4 Max Elixir, I would replace your Mystery Energy's with Psychic Energy. This will increase your likelihood of hitting the Elixirs.
- Unless I'm mistaken, I believe it was confirmed (or at least speculated) that Lunala isn't a basic Pokemon. You may need to make room for its prior evolution stages, just something to look into.
- IMO, 1 Skyla is sufficient in any deck that relies on Stadiums, Tools, or certain Item cards. I don't see a really urgent need for Skyla in this particular deck, so if you need to make future cuts, I would suggest seeing if you truly need this card, or if it would be better to dedicate the spot to something else. Trainer's Mail is an Item card that, while taking 3-4 spaces in your deck, doesn't use a Supporter for the turn, and lends to consistency.
- 4 Pokemon Ranger seems excessive. Is there a reason you run 4? Is there an attack you use that you would need a Ranger's effects to take off of your own side? (Example: "Can't attack next turn after using ____ attack." You next turn comes, use a Ranger to remove that effect so that you can attack again. Note: I've seen this happen in PTCGO, so I'm assuming it's a legal play.)
- Between Birch and Sycamore, you only have 4 card-draw Supporters. Without Shaymin or Octillery, I would increase your counts. As for Birch, it's a player-preference card, but I strongly believe that Sycamore is superior. Look into Colress, it has the possibility of giving even more than a Sycamore, no coin-flip, and you shuffle everything back in with no discarding. I increase my counts of N because I like shuffle-draw support.
- Professor's Letter pulls your energy out of your deck, making it harder to hit Max Elixirs. With 10 Energy, you probably don't need it.
- 4 Max Potion seems excessive, I would cut 1 or 2, because you don't need to have it early-game. That said, I don't think it's a bad idea - if you can get your consistency up and have room, go for it.
- Depending on what you face in your meta, you might only need 1 Faded Town.
- 4 Klefki may not be needed in your deck. If you need extra space, consider taking these out, unless your meta calls for it. That and if you are putting your opponent to sleep, it reduces their chance of attacking you as well.
- Everything in your list is Standard except for Aspertia City Gym. So for a Standard build, switch that with one of the Stadiums I mentioned below.
You have access to a lot more in Expanded, and I would look into some of that format's staple Trainer cards. I don't regularly play Expanded with the meta, so I am not the best source for those kind of deck builds. I play Expanded with a few friends at home, but we only have so many different decks to test on each other.

With all of that said, here is what I would consider, with "/" meaning "Or":

- 2 Mystery Energy
-2 Skyla
-3 Pokemon Ranger
-2 Professor's Letter
-2 Professor Birch
-2 Max Potion
-1 Faded Town
- 4 Klefki

+2 Psychic Energy
+4 Trainer's Mail/3 Trainer's Mail, 1 Skyla)
+2 Professor Sycamore/2 Colress/1 of each
+3 N (without Shaymin, I recommend 3, but you can try 2)
+1 Aspertia City Gym/Faded Town (put it back in if your meta calls for it)/Parallel City (for certain matchups)
+2 Olympia & Switch/Escape Rope or +2 Float Stone
+1 Hex Maniac (certain matchups)
+1 Lysandre

Open Spaces: 2

I'm no expert, but those are some cards to consider. There are 2 spaces left for your own flexibility (like putting some Klefki or Max Potion back in or adding in new cards). Those are just my initial thoughts, so take all of it or bits and pieces as you see fit for your deck. I hope this helps! I really think this deck has potential when Sun & Moon comes out. Best of luck!
Thanx for the feedback. I did hear tha Lunala GX is gonna evolve, so I will make the necessary changes. The max potions are mainly for survivability. The 4 Pokemon Rangers are so If I need to remove sleep for any reason and or I have a theory that I need to clear with a couple higher ups. Could Pokemon Ranger possibly make it to where we can use more than one GX move per match since it is an effect on the GX attack itself. I need to see if they are going to make that a possibilty or I am exploiting it to early. If it is a possibilty then Lunala is gonna knock out a lot of ex's or basics in general with her GX attack. If that is not the case then I will cut down on them. I thought Running 2/2 of sycamore and birch's just gives me a chance with both. Oddly enough running a 2/2 line of those supporters has been working really well for me. Klefki is really good for locking up Mega's. I know there a lot of non ex decks out there, but then you have the people that love running EX's and that work around even klefki. Trainer's Mail over Skyla, I see what you are saying and will make thos changes. I just like Skyla because it is a guaranteed Trainer as opposed to chancing getting what I need. One reason on running a couple of Mystery energy is to give lunala GX and hypno a free retreat so if they get Lysandre'd and they survive, I can retreat next turn with out discarding energy. Maybe Olympia would be better, but that is a supporter useage when I can just free retreat. I can take out the Professor's letter and the 1 faded town, those are easily replaceable. This is just an explanation to all the cards that you suggested to take out. I will definetly play test both versions to see which one has better playability. Thank you for your suggestions, all were great suggestions.
pokemon ranger doesn't remove special conditions like sleep.

as for if ranger would remove GX once per game effect we have to wait on a ruling but the answer will likely be no as being able to use GX attacks more then once is overpowered. Chances are high the one GX attack per game will likely be a meta rule of some sort.