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Standard [Future] M Gardevoir Cruel Traitor

Javi Blizz

Spanish TCG Player
Hi guys, since the first time I saw the final (unofficial) translation of the new M Gardevoir EX, I want to make a deck using it for the next standar format. So, let's see what can we discuss (that way I'll know what to look for at the Steam Siege prelease)
For those who don't know what M Gardevoir EX does, here's the translation:


[Y][C] Despair Ray 110+ : You may discard as many of your Benched Pokémon as you like (these do not count as Knocked Out Pokémon). If you do, this attack does 10 more damage for each Benched Pokémon you discard.

So, considering the damage output and the effect of the attack, I wouldn't consider this a OHKO deck, but it could work as a more defensive one. I think the best way it could work is using wall-type pokemon and ones which ability activates when put from hand to bench.

Finally, let's suppose that the next Standard format is PCR-On and that Dimension Valley is reprinted in Steam Siege.

That way, this is the first skeleton I've thought:

Pokemon: 18
  • 3 Gardevoir EX (Either one, it's just a stepping stone)
  • 3 M Gardevoir EX SS
  • 3 Hawlucha SS
  • 1 Absol RSK
  • 1 Hoopa EX
  • 1 Shaymin EX (I only have one, maybe 2-of would be the best option)
  • 2 Wailord EX
  • 2 Lugia FC
  • 2 Mew FC
Trainers: 28
  • 2 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 N
  • 1 Hex Maniac (As we don't use long time abilities)
  • 2 Ninja Boy
  • 3 Vs Seeker
  • 3 Max Potion
  • 2 Fairy Drop
  • 2 Dimension Valley
  • 2 Skyfield
  • 3 Max Elixir
  • 3 Gardevoir Spirit Link
  • 3 Ultra Ball
Energy: 8-10
  • 8 [Y] - 10[Y]
Open spots: 4-6

Strategy: You should start either with Lugia FC or Wailord EX, as they are the main walls of the deck. Next turn, heal them and use Ninja Boy to get Gardevoir EX as your active pokemon and M evolve it. Use one-use abilities to set up or disrupt your opponent and then procede to 2-hit ko with M Gardevoir. You can hit certain OHKO (130 HP from Garchomp, 140 (120 HP+ability) from Raikou...) by discarding pokemon from your bench and 2-hit ko everything else (you can potentially do 320 damage without skyfield (160 damage per turn)). Hawlucha SS is here to break the Glaceon/Regice lock and it could be useful in other match ups. Mew is here to copy Lugia attack and if playing Gardevoir EX SS, use Link Blast when useful.

The main problem about M Gardevoir is facing [M] decks. It takes x2 damage from them AND does -20 damage to them by resistence.

Other cards that I think could work with the deck are Karen and Klefki SS

Scans from SS:

Ability: When you play this Pokémon from your hand onto your Bench, you may have your opponent switch his or her Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.


Each player shuffles all Pokemon in his or her discard pile into his or her deck.


Ability: Wonder Lock
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokemon is on your Bench, you may discard all cards attached to this Pokemon and attach this Pokemon to 1 of your Pokemon as a Pokemon Tool card. As long as this Pokemon is attached to a Pokemon, prevent all damage done to that Pokemon by the attacks of your opponent’s Mega Evolution Pokemon. At the end of your opponent’s next turn, discard this card.

What do you think?
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