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Future Plasma Klingklang


Um, what?
4 Klingklang 2 BW and 2 Plasma
2 Klang EP
4 Klink EP
3 Emolga DRX
2 Cobalion NV
2 Registeel EX
1 Keldeo EX
18 Total

4 N
4 Bianca
3 Colress
1 Computer Search (ACE)
2 Ultra Ball
2 Heavy Ball
3 Rare Candy
3 Max Potion
4 Switch
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Super Rod
30 Total

8 Metal Energy
4 Blend {W}{F}{L}{M}
12 Total

The Idea behind this deck is to counter EX’s hard with getting out the Plasma Klingklang ASAP and fill their side of the field with damage with Registeel EX. When they bring out a non EX attacker switch to Cobalion NV who also makes sure the opponent cannot attack. Keldeo deals with pesky non-EX fire types like Ninetails as well as acting as a manual retreating option if no switch is available. Move energies with Klingklang BW and then use max potion to heal.

Possible Tech’s include:
Mewtwo EX, Rayquaza DV, or other water or electric or fighting basics.

This list is really fluid, so criticism and additional changes are greatly needed.

4 Klingklang 2 BW and 2 Plasma
2 Klang EP
4 Klink EP
2 Cobalion NV
2 Registeel EX
1 Cobalion EX
1 Keldeo EX
16 Total

4 N
4 Bianca
3 Colress
1 Computer Search (ACE)
2 Skyarrow Bridge
4 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy
3 Max Potion
4 Switch
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Super Rod
32 Total

8 Metal Energy
4 Blend {W}{F}{L}{M}
12 Total
+3 Emolga for better early start which I was dumb not to include (also possible donk vs swablu)
+2 Heavy Ball for a less expensive search

-2 Skyarrow... lol, just lol
-2 Ultra Ball
-1 Cobalion EX because it might be expensive to obtain

ALSO thoughts on escape rope vs catcher for this deck?