Future Pokemon Ex's

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Magikarp Lord
I figured I would make this thread due to a prediction I have. So far all black and white legendary pokemon that become cards have attacks that cost 2 energies of the pokemon's type and 1 colorless. Even Mewtwo EX seems to be following this rule with an attack for psychic psychic colorless. So now I'm certain Zekrom and Reshiram EX will get the same treatment. To me this means that ZPS and any Reshiram variants will become better decks. What do you think?
Zekrom decks getting stronger with Zekrom EX?
Reshiram decks getting stronger with Reshiram EX?

Funnily enough... yeah.
I find it stupid how they even applied the color color colorless rule to Thunderus and his offspring. It makes them strictly worse than some other cards.

Anyway, I think it's not the end of the world. A Legend with just one attack (for 1 or 2 energy) seems like a fine refresher though. Doesn't even have to hit 120 imo, just something unique.

Oh and we need Slowpoke EX. With Scavenge as his attack (see Slowpoke Fossil). And Energy Removal. And 170 HP. I'd laugh.
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