BW/BW2 Future Pokemon game titles? Third Unova region game: Pokemon Gray?

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Property of Team Rocket®
Not sure if this would go here, and this is probably old news but not many know about it. In 2009 Nintendo secured a bunch of Pokemon Trademarks,

* 2008-093265 [Pokemon Red]
* 2008-093266 [Pokemon Green]
* 2008-093267 [Pokemon Blue]
* 2008-093268 [Pokemon Yellow]
* 2008-093269 [Pokemon Black]
* 2008-093270 [Pokemon Brown]
* 2008-093271 [Pokemon White]
* 2008-093272 [Pokemon Gray]
* 2008-093273 [Pokemon Scarlet]
* 2008-093274 [Pokemon Purple]
* 2008-093275 [Pokemon Crimson]
* 2008-093276 [Pokemon Scarlet - written differently]

Link to the article:

So what do you think?
This confirms a Pokemon Gray version, and should have hinted us to B/W as soon as Reshiram/Zekrom were revealed (w/the black and white background). Note the trademarks Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow... and Brown.
OrangeMudkip said:
This confirms a Pokemon Gray version

...and judging by your list, it also confirms a brown, scarlet, and purple version, since there clearly appears to be a direct correlation between the list and confirmed titles. I can't wait for scarlet personally.
Wow are you guys that gullible. If you remember, Opal was also registered. We never saw an Opal released. Just because they register it does not confirm the game. Dnub, I would lock for you if I could :D
Zero... can you just contribute to a thread without insulting someone? T_T
Anyways, there's a chance that it might be Gray, but I remember when Diamond and Pearl was released, there was speculation of the 3rd version being Pokemon "Opal", and it turned out to be something different. So I wouldn't get my hopes up. D:
Opal wasn't ever officially trademarked. So that was just speculation. It could have been any gemstone. As for crimson, i think they're returning to plain colors in the future gens!
OrangeMudkip said:
So that was just speculation

Anything not explicitly set in stone is up to speculation. As long as there is no announcement of Gray, you can't assume Gray is... oh what was the word you used... "Confirmed"
Whoops, I are smart.

Edit: I did lock this before. A Mod unlocked it. Please leave this closed or at least NOTIFY me. >_> This is many years in the future and will obviously happen. For this reason, leave it until it is announced.


dmaster out.
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