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Future Sight Lock (Mew EX / Seismitoad EX / Xatu)


Dunsparce Hoarder
So I don't have a definite list for the deck yet but I wanted to post this because I wanted to pool the ideas of the community to help refine the first version of this deck.

Basically I want to try and bring back the Watchlock deck that was played minorly a while back but this time have it improved and possibly even playable thanks to new cards. For those unaware of what the original deck did it was essentially deck and hand control. Watchog's Watcheck attack to look at the top 5 cards of your opponents deck and put them back in any order. You basically want to stack your opponents deck with the least useful cards and push back their draw and supporters cards as much as possible.

Watchog has since rotated out but we now have Xatu being printed in Emerald break who's Future Sight attack mimics Watcheck. I want to try and build a better and more streamlined version of the original Watchlock deck using Xatu and other new cards while keeping the same basic strategy as the original deck. These are not exact number but this is what I'm trying to work with right now.

Pokemon: 16

  • 3x Mew EX
    3x Natu [Emerald Break]
    3x Xatu [Emerald Break]
    2x Seismitoad EX
    2x Deoxys [Emerald Break]
    1x Jirachi EX
    1x Jirachi [Emerald Break]

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    3 Ghetsis
    1 Shadow Triad
    1 Xerosic
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    2 Wally

    4 Dimesion Valley
    3 Crushing Hammer
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 VS Seeker
    3 Trick Shovel
    1 Computer Search
    2 Head Ringer
    2 Hypnotoxic Laser
Energy: 10

  • 2 DCE
    5 Psychic Energy
    3 Metal Energy

Other possible cards to include would be Hand Scope and Red Card.

The idea is to setup Xatu on either turn one or two, (turn one with the use of Wally) and start the lock as soon as possible. Mew is the main attacker, using Mew's Versatile ability paired with Dimension Valley Future Sight's cost is free as well as Deoxy's First Contact attack which we can use if we play first to draw more cards to help set up by our next turn. It also makes Seismitoad's attack only cost 1 colourless which will be the primary attack between Future Sights to prevent any draw trainers or VS Seekers. I've included the Emerald Break Jirachi because assuming you have an effective lock on your opponent they should not be able to switch their EX's with trainer cards and wont have access to enough energy to retreat. Destructive Wish lets the deck take a quick 2 prizes which helps because otherwise the decks attacks are quite slow. Mew and Dimension Valley makes it so you only have to attach and discard one metal energy to use Destructive Wish; it wont be used often but I think I like having the option. Any and all suggestions for the list would be appreciated and if somebody wanted to proxy the deck for testing purposes that would be fantastic. Thanks for the help. Emerald Break Cards listed below:

Deoxys - Psychic - HP110
Basic Pokemon

[C] First Contact: You can use this attack on your first turn. Draw 2 cards.
[P][C] Overdrive Smash: 30 damage. During your next turn, this Pokemon’s Overdrive Smash attack does 60 more damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Natu - Psychic - HP50
Basic Pokemon

[C] Peck: 10 damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Xatu - Psychic - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Natu

[C] Future Sight: Look at the top 5 cards of either player’s deck and put them back on top of that player’s deck in any order.
[P][C] Stress Eye: 30 damage. Your opponent reveals his or her hand. Choose 1 Trainer card you find there and discard it.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Jirachi - Metal - HP70
Basic Pokemon

[M] Small Wish: Look at the top 7 cards of your deck, and put a card you find there into your hand. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
[M][C] Destructive Wish: Discard all Energy attached to this Pokemon. At the end of your opponent’s next turn, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1
Would you like to try using Hugh until it rotates? Hugh discards each player's hand or draws until each player has 5 card. It could be useful if your opponent's hand gets too big.

Don't include Red Card or Hand Scope. Ghetsis can be your Hand Scope while Hugh be your Red Card that doesn't involve deck shuffling.

Also, why the lasers? I really think you've got next to no point on using them without Virbank.

Also, Toad seems a bit difficult to use since your maximum output is 30. I think you either need to include Muscle Band or Hard Charm to either increase, or defend.

Jirachi (the baby) is a bit clunky. You've had to add metal energy just for it, which completely clunkifies your deck. I would suggest removing it.

And you're deck doesn't look too consistent, especially considering Ghetsis won't provide much draw for the first few turns. You probably need more N/Colress.

- 1 Jirachi
-3 Metal Energy
-2 Hypnotoxic Laser
-1 Shadow Triad (it's only use would be for lasers...)
-1 Ghetisis (you really don't want this early)
+1 N
+1 Teammates (great card)/Psychic Energy (you may need [P] energy more)
+1 Lysandre (Lysandre out a Pokemon and Quaking Punching it could be beneficial)
+2 Hugh
+3 Muscle Band/Hard Charm/ 1 [P] Energy (you may need [P] energy more)
The Ghetsis looks good to me actually, because with toad their items will clog their hands and then Ghetsis will give nice draw support. Well provided you get toad/DCE early.
appleatingoat said:
The Ghetsis looks good to me actually, because with toad their items will clog their hands and then Ghetsis will give nice draw support. Well provided you get toad/DCE early.

The problem is starting with Ghetsis. Normally you want to go second, but your opponent would have likely used up most if not all of their items straight away. You need to consider all stages of the game.
But if you do go first then that put's you at an advantage because the Ghetsis will actually work like a toad on the first turn, but giving you draw support at the same time. Though when you go second then the toad will provide the build up for Ghetsis. provided you have all the cards necessary in order to use toads attack.
This deck is weird. Mainly because there aren't really that many good draw Supporters for this deck. N ia good as a one of, but any more than that, and you'll be constantly breaking the lock everytime you want to refresh your hand. Colress sucks early game. I think Birch is going to be your friend in this deck. I think I would do the following:

4 Professor Juniper
3 Professor Birch's Observation
2 Ghetsis
1 N
1 Colress

3 Ultra Ball
3 VS Seeker
1 Computer Search
1 Jirachi EX