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Ga(eRl)chomp (Masters) BR


We will bury you
Garchomp (& techs)

4x Gible SV
2x Gabite SV
3x Garchomp SV
1x Electrike
1x Manectric
1x ERL Bottom
1x ERL Top
2x Uxie
1x Uxie Lv X
2x Garchomp C
1x Garchomp C Lv X
1x Crobat G
1x Unown Q
1x Ambipom G
1x Azelf

Trainers – (24)
2x Pokemon Communication
4x TGI Poke Turn
3x Cyrus Conspiracy
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Broken Time-Space
4x Bebe’s Search
1x Looker's Investigation
2x Expert Belt
1x Luxury Ball
1x TGI Energy Gain

Energy – (12)
1x Lightning Energy
1x Fire Energy
4x Call Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
2x Warp Energy

BTS over candy for vileplume varients that will be hyooge. ERL just ruins people's days and with manectric it's a no brainer. Garchomp C X tech for that last prize and since I run DCE ambipom +Garchomp C is really a no brainer. LMK whatsup
RE: Ga(eRl)chomp

Please remember to add the Division you're in and the Event this is for in the title. Thanks.

dmaster out.
RE: Ga(eRl)chomp

IMO you need Azelf. You have too many one techs in there. Take out 3 BTS, since you have 6 already. The other 2 Slots should be another Garchomp C and Communication.
Hey it's Kobeyashi! It's me Danny who used the GengarPlume deck that owned the other Danny. Ummm Why do you have 3 Garchomp SV and no Garchomp Lv X? I guess you don't have the Lv.X. Pretty solid except you will only have 2 Garchomps available.
Did I say Garchomp C? I meant Garchomp SV. Oops lol.

Garchomp Lv. X, weirdly enough doesn't work in Garlock. The cool thing about Garchomp SV is that you are using a main attacker with Colorless energy, so you can use Cyclone, Warp, Call, even Upper, Recover, and Health. Since there is so many special energy in the deck, Garchomp would do nothing extraordinary for you. I'd rather use it for another Garchomp SV.

Unless you are running an Ampharos tech, that is. You want the Garchomp X for it's power.

Also, you might want to consider Cyclone, Shaymin UL, and SSU combo.
Whats up buddy?!

I don't play Garchomp Lv X because i'm too scared to get nailed by garchomp C Lv X (who will one shot it with a X2 weakness)

I'm looking to possibly also make a consistency based Garchomp with smeargle and chatot, i'll post that on here as well. This deck is gonna be vicious come battle roads.