Garchomp (& techs)
4x Gible SV
2x Gabite SV
3x Garchomp SV
1x Electrike
1x Manectric
1x ERL Bottom
1x ERL Top
2x Uxie
1x Uxie Lv X
2x Garchomp C
1x Garchomp C Lv X
1x Crobat G
1x Unown Q
1x Ambipom G
1x Azelf
Trainers – (24)
2x Pokemon Communication
4x TGI Poke Turn
3x Cyrus Conspiracy
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Broken Time-Space
4x Bebe’s Search
1x Looker's Investigation
2x Expert Belt
1x Luxury Ball
1x TGI Energy Gain
Energy – (12)
1x Lightning Energy
1x Fire Energy
4x Call Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
2x Warp Energy
BTS over candy for vileplume varients that will be hyooge. ERL just ruins people's days and with manectric it's a no brainer. Garchomp C X tech for that last prize and since I run DCE ambipom +Garchomp C is really a no brainer. LMK whatsup
4x Gible SV
2x Gabite SV
3x Garchomp SV
1x Electrike
1x Manectric
1x ERL Bottom
1x ERL Top
2x Uxie
1x Uxie Lv X
2x Garchomp C
1x Garchomp C Lv X
1x Crobat G
1x Unown Q
1x Ambipom G
1x Azelf
Trainers – (24)
2x Pokemon Communication
4x TGI Poke Turn
3x Cyrus Conspiracy
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Broken Time-Space
4x Bebe’s Search
1x Looker's Investigation
2x Expert Belt
1x Luxury Ball
1x TGI Energy Gain
Energy – (12)
1x Lightning Energy
1x Fire Energy
4x Call Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
2x Warp Energy
BTS over candy for vileplume varients that will be hyooge. ERL just ruins people's days and with manectric it's a no brainer. Garchomp C X tech for that last prize and since I run DCE ambipom +Garchomp C is really a no brainer. LMK whatsup