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Gallade / Gardevoir


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: (14)

  • 4-2-2/2 Gardevoir (LTR)/Gallade (PLS)
    2x Mewtwo EX
    2x Dedenne (FuF)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: (32)

  • 4x Ultra Ball
    2x Megaphone
    3x Rare Candy
    2x Switch
    2x Energy Retrieval
    2x Prof Letter
    2x Colress
    2x Pokemon Center Lady
    2x Sycamore
    2x Lysandre
    2x Skyla
    2x N
    2x Dimensional Valley
    2x Muscle Band
    1x Gold Potion
Energy: (14)

  • 4 DC
    8 Psychic
    2 Mystery

Strategy: Set up Gallade as soon as possible. Gardevoir is useful for certain threats (eternal radiance for just 2 energy forces opponents to make tough decisions) or simply when necessary to confusion stall for Gallade. Dedenne hits Yveltal EX and lets me bench lots of things and energize it all to prep for a Powerful Storm sweep (and boosting Colress). Megaphone is for sparkling robes and especially float stones attached to Keldeo, both of which ruin Gardevoir's usefulness as its first attack loses its potency.

Mewtwo EX because it's friggin' Mewtwo EX and loves lots of energy anyway. That lets me not have to risk it by attaching it to the main attacking Gallade or waste it by attaching it to something that can't use it itself. It's also a really nice early game wall that can bite back, and with Mystery energy it retreats whenever it wants. D Valley also helps a lot with early game as it lets me stall with Ralts's paralysis move for free, and later game so I can sweep while attaching even less energy to Gallade. Also generally useful as a counter-stadium, as I hate virbank and fairy garden. Steel Shelter is also annoying for the same reason as Sparkling Robe and Float Stone Keldeo, though steel decks are tough to beat one way or another.

Eventually I'll be exchanging 2 more psychics for 2 more mystery energy, when I get it.

I don't have money to build a meta deck and I like the ralts line so there you have it. :D