Gallade Lv X


You know what whats so stupid is that they printed a Gardivor Lv X and not a Gallade Lv X. Why on earth would they do that???? That might be the stupidest thing I have ever seen.:(:(:(:(:(
Well, Gallade is still rather new to the TCG. Be patient, though. A LV.X of Gallade may come out in the next few sets.
Sonic Gal said:
Well, Gallade is still rather new to the TCG. Be patient, though. A LV.X of Gallade may come out in the next few sets.

Hey sonic gal can you get me a lucario avatar?? I herd you are very good at that (at least from Mew guy).

NN: Try not to go off-topic and spam. Read the Forum Rules. If you want to contact Sonic Gal, you can PM her, or look for her shop thread in Celadon Mart.
I would be scared of something like a Gallade Lv.X. I mean come on the Sonic blades almost unfair, but could you imagine an attack that could capitalized on that other then Gardevoir Lv.X bring down. It would so something crazy.
LucarioLegend said:
Sonic Gal said:
Well, Gallade is still rather new to the TCG. Be patient, though. A LV.X of Gallade may come out in the next few sets.

Hey sonic gal can you get me a lucario avatar?? I herd you are very good at that (at least from Mew guy).
Try not to go off-topic and spam. Read the Forum Rules. If you want to contact Sonic Gal, you can PM her, or look for her shop thread in Celadon Mart.