BW/BW2 Game Freak Still Has Ideas For New Pokemon!?

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Pokemon is going to go on forever. As long as there are people who will continue with the series, Pokemon will continue to make new games and species. That's just the way it's going to be.

There are so many untapped ideas for Pokemon (like a dolphin), so there is nothing that implies Pokemon is going to stop any time soon.

DNA said:
Pokemon is going to go on forever. As long as there are people who will continue with the series, Pokemon will continue to make new games and species. That's just the way it's going to be.

There are so many untapped ideas for Pokemon (like a dolphin), so there is nothing that implies Pokemon is going to stop any time soon.


Your right, I don't see how they can give up on Pokemon when so many People like the francise!
Well,I figured it out...They have too many bright ideas and can try to modify an animal to look Pokémon like...Or well,simply modify anything.


Anyways,im glad to hear that Game Freak still has ideas. :D
Of course they have ideas. They make a garbage pokemon, and people love it. Why stop, when everything you do is a success?
The fact that GF still has ideas is obvious and doesn't deserve its own thread. But that silhouette in the link is, on the other hand. Maybe it's a new Kyurem form?
I don't see why so many people want another Kyurem form, but whatever.
Just looking at that silhouette gets me excited because that pokemon looks amazing even though I can't really see it. =)
Pokemon always seems to amaze me. Sure, they have some things I would change, but like DNA said, I think it will go on forever.
The day ideas run dry is the day humanity ends; other than opposable thumbs and big brains, we don't have much :).

I'm surprised this slipped under the radar, but in February of last year Gamefreak was the first developer period to get Nintendo's dev kits for the 3DS (or some unnamed Pokémon developer, perhaps Game Freak though because of it's favorable financial ties with the Nintendo). In fact it was cited that they were toying with accelerometers/gyroscopes in the system that no one had mentioned publicly before, when the system's specs were just mere rumors. Following that, Satoru Iwata came out and deliberately announced new Pokémon games were in development both the 3DS and Wii, so the ideas are never in short supply, it's always just a matter of what and when… And as far as Pokémon designs go, for every single Pokémon in public existence there's probably 100 more like the misfit toys from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer; not to deter the focus here that much, but Game Freak has a fairly large design department relative to its overall size (the people working at Game Freak usually have a wide variety of technical and creative skills, so the company can keep the workforce small), and they spend an insane amount of time going in depth with the design process. The Sinnoh basic starters for example took well over a year to fully complete, to put it in some sort of scope. Albeit, they're the prominent Pokémon for Nintendo's PR, but I'm sure they've given royal treatment to all of the 649 out now, and at least some thought to the hundreds more. I can't help imagining if they have like, a Disney Vault (with the Diamond Edition DVDs) where they keep all the design sheets, haha :D.
Shadow Arceus said:
The fact that GF still has ideas is obvious and doesn't deserve its own thread. But that silhouette in the link is, on the other hand. Maybe it's a new Kyurem form?

Bro, that silhouette looks nothing like official art, and also nothing like Kyurem. I would be shocked if it was anything more than a representation of the article.
Fun article though, and nice read.
SoraNa said:
I'm still curious about a tiger Poke'mon.


I don't know if anyone realizes it, but some Pokemon are put off a generation for later. Here's proof:


Yes, that does sound exactly like Munna. Either they saved Munna till Generation Five, or they created it during development of BW. Like the article says, they have "20 people in our team at Game Freak who design Pokémon, so if every one of them came up with 10 Pokémon ideas, it is going to be 200." Take in the fact that we get nearly 100 to 150 Pokemon each generation, that's a lot of Pokemon that didn't make the cut and could be saved for future games.

Like DNA said, they still have more untapped ideas. Other than animals, the also base Pokemon off of plants, legends/classic stories, and many other things. We also get reprint of ideas, like Munna and Drowzee.
All those people who doodle Fakemon every day or so are the people who will keep GameFreak (and possibly, Nintendo) running. It's quite a marvelous thing, but it'll be tough to remember ALL of those Pokemon...
The image at the top of the page linked is just some garbage image the poster found on Google Images. He said so himself.

Also, no duh they have ideas.
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