DPPt/HGSS Gamestop in Canada


Master of Awesome
So I was reading the article about the shiny dogs distribution at Gamestop, and I figured this was another America-only deal. But I checked Gamestop.ca, and they had Black and White for pre-order, PLUS the advertisement for the distribution. So I have two questions:

Why in the world is Black and White $44.99 in Canada?!?
Can anyone clarify the shiny beasts distribution?
To answer your question about price, the Canadian dollar has a lower value than the American dollar (Something like that), so more of it is needed to make the price equal in the different regions.

And the shiny beast distribution seems legit, as it's on Gamestop's site like you mentioned. However, it's also here, the official Canadian site for HG/SS.
This is true but the canadian dollar is close to if not at parity right now. The currency exchange between the two countries does not warrant as much as a $10 difference in price. Gamestop is notorious for charging more for their games (trust me, i've worked there before)...the same thing happened recently with Nintendo's release of the mario all stars special edition for the wii: places like walmart charged the same price here in Canada as in the US but Gamestop charged $5 more for the game
Yep I'm in Canada and I went to the EB Games in city center today and got myself a Shiny Raikou. I did it all in the food court cause I thought it'd be weird to walk into the store and pull out a DS. Only works on the English versions though. If you've got a french version you're out of luck.
GameStop Canada did indeed get the Johto Trio promotion, I just got my Shiny Raikou this morning.

To answer the other question about discrepancies in price between retail locations, well:

Part of the reason department stores sell at a lower price point is due to sheer value. Walmart and other department stores typically get a decently deep discount from suppliers for purchasing tens of thousands of cartridges at once to sell at all of their stores, while specialist locations such as GameStop typically ship out a small order of only dozens to each individual location. If you're willing to spend the money (which Walmart has but Gamestop does not; it takes a LOT of money to save a lot of money), you'll get a nice discount that you can then forward to your customers.

But I'll still be buying my 5th gen cartridge from a GameStop lol.
Cause I'd rather not pay an extra 10-15 dollars. Being unemployed, every bit of money counts.

Got my Raikou on the 3rd, huzzah. I'll probably pre-order White when I go to download Entei.
Actually I think it would be best to wait until they start revealing extra goodies that they will give you when you pre-order the game.
I would think that any "goodies" that they would've given out would've been mentioned already. I noticed that we didn't get a figure or anything, but that would've been released by now.
Heads up all you Canadians, this is the final week to get a dog! I went today and was met with the wonder card scare but thankfully some cool little kid told me I had to get rid of my old used wonder cards. Bit embarrassing but hey it was worth it!
Just want to point out, that where I live the dogs are NOT being distributed, so I would call ahead if I were you