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Ganvan-iclus Theorycrafting (Gavantula and reuniclus)


pegasus boots: hyrule's finest and fastest
Hi. I recently started to get back into the TCG and wondered if this deck would be any good.

the basic theory is to get gavantula and reuniclus out, shuffling enough damage round each turn so gavantula can heal it off with leech life. Pichu should load the bench early game and zekrom tanks the damage while loading up outrage.

would this work in practice or would a format of high damage mean gavantula get's OHK'd? (80 HP seems a bit frail)

4-4 gavantula (leech life)
4-2-4 reuniclus (damage swap)
2 zekrom (box promo)
3 Pichu (playground)
Cleffa (Eeek)

3 rare candy
3 poke-com
4 dual ball
4 energy search
4 junk arm
4 Juniper/ other draw card
2 energy retrival

4 psychic
8 lightning

love to know your thoughts on this deck
any fixes/suggestions welcome
{P} Energy? You plan to attack with Reuniclus!?

The deck could theoretically work, but in such a format like this one, Pokemon Cacther would just ruin the point of this deck plus Galvantula hits for such low damage and at the same time doesn't have enough HP to survive against all the common decks. Reuniclus is usually pair with Vileplume to stop the opponent from dragging Reuniclus active with Pokemon Catcher and knocking it out. What you would generally want is a pokemon with alot of bulk that can't be easily Ko'd but at the same time functions as a decent attacker.
The only pokemon that could fit that role while still maintaining the theme of the deck (heal + Damage swap) would be Torterra (Unleashed) However it being a stage 2 pokemon would greatly slow down the deck.

If this is just a fun idea and we're just disregarding all the threats in the competitve scene then that's ok, however if you're considering using this at a tournament of any kind, then choose a different deck. For now though i'll just help you with the current list:

You'll never need anymore than 1 Reuniclus out at any time so there is no need for a 4-2-4 line. A 3-2-2 line would suffice.

-1-0-2 Reuniclus
-2 Pichu (as you only really need a few specific pokemon on the filed at one time, the need for this card isn't too great)
-4 Energy Search (Adding more draw support makes up for drawing into energy as well as other things)
-4 {P} Energy (If you're ever forced to attack with reuniclus then you've already lost the game)
-4 {L} (you'll see why)
-4 Dual Ball
-1 Energy Retrieval)

+4 Pokemon Collector (Gurantees 3 basic pokemon apposed to Dual which is unrealiable)
+3 Plus Power (More damage dealt is more damage healed)
+2 Pokemon Catcher/Pokemon Reversal (which ever card is easier to obtain for you. serves many purposes but mainly to target a kill easily 'mons)
+3 Professor Oak's New Thoery (just incase you got yourself an bad hand, reshuffle and draw a new hand)
+4 Double Colorless Energy (Serves many uses, but the main one ks that Galvantula can use them)
+1 Switch (Self explainitary)
+3 Rescue Energy (Keep recycling those Galvantula when they get KO'd)
+2 *insert useful card here* (this space is for you to fill it with whatever you feel is necessary)

A majority of my fixes where just to slightly focus increase damage output and give you more consistant starts (Pokemon Collector and Prof Oak). The last 2 spots open are for you to figure out. If you need some options to fill it with there here are a few suggestions

Black Belt - If you find that you're behind on prizes and need more damage, then Black Belt is the card for you allowing you to hit for 80 damage (for on turn as it's a supporter) with Leech Life

Pokemon Communication - Maxing out this card is alos good for helping to search for pokemon.

Super Rod - More recovery options.

Max Potion - Move a majority/all of the damage on the field to zekrom and Max Potion Zekrom without losing energy.

Plus Power - Galvantula can use the extra damage.