Hi. I recently started to get back into the TCG and wondered if this deck would be any good.
the basic theory is to get gavantula and reuniclus out, shuffling enough damage round each turn so gavantula can heal it off with leech life. Pichu should load the bench early game and zekrom tanks the damage while loading up outrage.
would this work in practice or would a format of high damage mean gavantula get's OHK'd? (80 HP seems a bit frail)
4-4 gavantula (leech life)
4-2-4 reuniclus (damage swap)
2 zekrom (box promo)
3 Pichu (playground)
Cleffa (Eeek)
3 rare candy
3 poke-com
4 dual ball
4 energy search
4 junk arm
4 Juniper/ other draw card
2 energy retrival
4 psychic
8 lightning
love to know your thoughts on this deck
any fixes/suggestions welcome
the basic theory is to get gavantula and reuniclus out, shuffling enough damage round each turn so gavantula can heal it off with leech life. Pichu should load the bench early game and zekrom tanks the damage while loading up outrage.
would this work in practice or would a format of high damage mean gavantula get's OHK'd? (80 HP seems a bit frail)
4-4 gavantula (leech life)
4-2-4 reuniclus (damage swap)
2 zekrom (box promo)
3 Pichu (playground)
Cleffa (Eeek)
3 rare candy
3 poke-com
4 dual ball
4 energy search
4 junk arm
4 Juniper/ other draw card
2 energy retrival
4 psychic
8 lightning
love to know your thoughts on this deck
any fixes/suggestions welcome