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Garbodor/Terrakion w/ Excadrill


Aspiring Trainer
A garbodor terrakion deck with an excadrill tech. Excadrill allows you to put a card from your discard pile right into your hand. For example, I can catcher out comething weak, KO it with dig uppercut, and get the catcher right back into my hand. Im not sure if Tornadus EX is needed though, I only added it because I had it.

Pokémon: 15
3-3 Garbodor
3 Terrakion
2-2 Excadrill (Dig Uppercut) (I think its Next Destinies)
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX

T/S/S: 33
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Cheren
3 Rescue Scarf
3 Catcher
3 Potion
3 Switch
3 Heavy Ball
2 Eviolite
2 Giant cape
2 Ultra Ball

Energy: 12
10 Fighting
I find Excadrill to not be needed in this kind of deck. I understand what you want to do with it, but there are better attacks on other Pokemon that would be a better use of your turns. Not to mention it requires a lot of set up. For that reason, I would take out the 2-2 line of him. Here's the initial changes I would make:

-2-2 Excadrill (explained above)
+1 Mewtwo EX (explained below)
+1 DCE (explained below)
+2 EXP Share (explained below)

In those spaces, I recommend boosting the Mewtwo count to two, upping the DCE to 3 and putting in 2 EXP Share. EXP Share works beautifully with Terrakion+Mewtwo as this deck has no acceleration so the energy conservation is definitely needed. Try it out and see how you like it. Hope this helps! :)

dmaster out.