• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Full Art Ultra Rare
Experience: Novice/Intermediate/Veteran

Pokemon 13
  • 2 Yveltal EX
  • 3 Yveltal
  • 2 Darkrai EX
  • 2 Sableye
  • 2-2 garbodor

Trainers 33
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 1 colress
  • 4 random receiver
  • 3 ultra ball
  • 3 Dark Patch
  • 1 Switch
  • 3 Pokemon catcher
  • 2 Professor letter
  • 2 float stone
  • 3 Muscle band
  • 1 super rod
  • 1 dowsing machine
  • 2 Shadow circle

Energy 13
  • 9 darkness
  • 4 DCE

Yveltal EX: Attack
Darkrai EX: Attack/support
Yveltal: Support
sableye: support/Disruption
garbodor: Disruption

Mewtwo EX: cut darkrai for it , because i'd prefer a "powerful beast" instead of an "emo ghost" ,but I don't know if it would be very useful, however "Darkrai" would surely works T________T
Hi energyfullart(?,

Looks good. Not sure that Sabeley is needed much in this deck since it wants to be aggressive. Consider to cut them for one more Muscle band and one more Float Stone. Also would take out one Professor Letter for a third Yveltal Ex since he is the main focus and either one Double Colorless or one Basic Darkness for a fourth Dark Patch. The rest looks fine to me.

On a side note: Have you considered a version without non-Ex Pokémon?
All I personally suggest is an extra ultra ball and dark patch, but I'm not really seeing that much space. Definitely not the profs letters as they are broken as hell in decks that have patch.... Ah there it is. I suggest taking out a Sablye and darkrai for another ultra and patch. Nice list btw!
sooo it could be
-1 sableye -1 Darkness Energy -1 darkrai +1 ultra ball +1 dark patch...
also could cut another "sableye" for an extra "Yveltal ex"... but i would decide by testing
Cut both Sableye and one Random Receiver for a second Colress and one more Ultra Ball and Dark Patch. The deck uses Garbodor as a disabler to slow others down and answer with fast beatdown. Would also like some Bicycles but cannot see how to fit them in at the moment.