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Garbodor / Yveltal


Aspiring Trainer
Experience Intermediate

Pokemon: 11
  • 2 Trubbish LT
  • 3 Garbodor LT
  • 1 Sableye
  • 2 Yveltal
  • 4 Yveltal Ex
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
  • 2 Catcher
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Dark Patch
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 3 Dark Claw
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Bicycle
  • 3 Random Receiver
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Skyla
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
Energy: 12
  • 3 DCE
  • 9 Dark
Strategy is power up evil ball with DCE, baby Yveltal and Dark Patch. Garbodor is shuting down abilitys.

cards i want to add

2 Switch

Edited to coincide with the rules! Please make sure to put a wee bit more effort into spelling and grammar in the future, please! :) ~Kecleon
RE: garbodor yveltal

Hi catlick,

In terms of Pokémon I would run a slim 2-2 Garbodor line with three Yveltal Ex and three Darkrai Ex. Darkrai can hunt hurt Pokémon on the bench for the final knock out. He also ensures that the deck can cycle Yveltal Ex with zero retreat when Garbodor looses his tool. Thus, there will be a benefit for you too when the lock is not in effect. This will leave you with ten Pokémon. The open slot can be used for a third Bicycle to ensure the deck has sufficient draw. Not too sure on Skyla with Random Receivers in the same deck. With Random Receiver you will want to draw in a draw card on usual. For this reason loose Skyla for two Shauna and cut one N for the third one. Yveltal Ex needs reliable draw cards. Loose both Catcher for a fourth Dark Patch and either a fourth dark Claw or a tech Switch or Escape Rope. Hope this helps.
RE: garbodor yveltal

Hey, although it may sound silly, I have been in situations in the last format when I've needed 40 damage to win, my board is clear apart from a Trubbish needing 2 colourless to attack for 20, and I've had a dark claw and a DCE IN hand. Drop all of the dark claws and add in muscle bands in place of them, because even though it sounds REALLY unlikely, when you're up on stage at the world championship finals and you need 40 damage to win and you have a Trubbish in play with the cards that you could've had to win, you're gonna be punching yourself. (over exxageration)
RE: garbodor yveltal

Idk for that very reason i run Tool drop trubbish in the decks that play garbodor. I might even suggest making 1 dark energy into a blend or prism energy just so you can tool drop randomly against another tool drop deck or even against a deck that runs a lot of tools for some reason. It not too bad of an idea to force a 7th prize by having one trubbish be knocked out after doing a ton of damage to a mewtwo. With just 3 tools in play with muscle band that mewtwo goes bye bye for just 2 energy and a tiny trubbish.