How will it affect the meta? From the day it will be released I'm guessing that water pokemon will definitely dominate the game. Why? Big HP and Energy spread is a big part of the game and I see Seismitoad EX dominating again with Garbordor reprint on schedule. It will be hard to beat deck because of one thing. Nowadays people tend to create a deck with lots of trainer cards and small amount of energy cards on them. With Seismitoad EX quaking punch those Item cards would be for nothing and you will be forced to rely on your Supporter cards partnered with a Garbordor with lots of Energy removal stuffs. It will be very hard for you to get your game on.
On how to counter this get your supporters ready and play each turn with the best decisions on what to play. Build a deck with enough energies to support your pokemon like 10-12 energies. And rely on Big HP EX.
On how to counter this get your supporters ready and play each turn with the best decisions on what to play. Build a deck with enough energies to support your pokemon like 10-12 energies. And rely on Big HP EX.