Hey guys! Just recently I pre-ordered four Garchomp online and decided to come up with my list for the next format. Here's the list and please offer your advice/speculation.
4-2-4 Garchomp
4-3 Altaria
3 Terrakion EX
4x Professor Juniper
3x N
3 Bianca
4x Ultra Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Rare Candy
3x Switch
2x Random Receiver
1x Super Rod
= 17
8x Fighting
3x Water
4x Blend Energy WLFM
The Strategy:
The main goal here is to utilize both gabite's and garchomp's attacks while boosting them with altaria. Terrakion is there as a tech and as a great counter to all lighting decks out there. Some possible techs are tool scrapper, sableye, and de-evolution spray. The list is kinda tight though. That's it and I'd appreciate your feedback!
4-2-4 Garchomp
4-3 Altaria
3 Terrakion EX
4x Professor Juniper
3x N
3 Bianca
4x Ultra Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Rare Candy
3x Switch
2x Random Receiver
1x Super Rod
= 17
8x Fighting
3x Water
4x Blend Energy WLFM
The Strategy:
The main goal here is to utilize both gabite's and garchomp's attacks while boosting them with altaria. Terrakion is there as a tech and as a great counter to all lighting decks out there. Some possible techs are tool scrapper, sableye, and de-evolution spray. The list is kinda tight though. That's it and I'd appreciate your feedback!