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Garchomp / Altaria


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 4 Gible
    4 Gabite
    4 Garchomp
    3 Swablu
    3 Altaria
    1 Mr. Mime
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    2 N
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla
    2 Bianca
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Muscle Band
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Rare Candy
    2 Escape Rope
    2 Switch
    1 Startling Megaphone

  • 7 Fighting Energy
    4 Rainbow Energy

The strategy of this deck is to get enough energy on Garchomp to use Dragon Blade, and to hit 180. 3 Altaria on the bench boosts the attack to 160.Muscle Band makes it 180. OHKO's every EX for 2 energy. And it does 200 damage to Black Kyurem EX without any boosts. This deck goesfor about $85 which is awesome.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

You have not included any ACE SPEC trainers. I think Computer Search would probably be best in this deck, but as this is a Budget deck mostly any of them would do.

Also, I don't see the need for 3 rare candy when your stage 2 line is 4/4/4. I would drop 1-2.

Bianca isn't a very good supporter in general, and would probably be best replaced with more N (this deck doesn't take prizes fast enough to justify only running 2) or other supporters such as Shauna.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Auride said:
You have not included any ACE SPEC trainers. I think Computer Search would probably be best in this deck, but as this is a Budget deck mostly any of them would do.

Also, I don't see the need for 3 rare candy when your stage 2 line is 4/4/4. I would drop 1-2.

Bianca isn't a very good supporter in general, and would probably be best replaced with more N (this deck doesn't take prizes fast enough to justify only running 2) or other supporters such as Shauna.

So drop 2 candies and bianca. Should i run 3 N and 3 shauna or 4 N and some other cards?
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Neos said:
Auride said:
You have not included any ACE SPEC trainers. I think Computer Search would probably be best in this deck, but as this is a Budget deck mostly any of them would do.

Also, I don't see the need for 3 rare candy when your stage 2 line is 4/4/4. I would drop 1-2.

Bianca isn't a very good supporter in general, and would probably be best replaced with more N (this deck doesn't take prizes fast enough to justify only running 2) or other supporters such as Shauna.

So drop 2 candies and bianca. Should i run 3 N and 3 shauna or 4 N and some other cards?
I would generally run 4 N and only 1 Shauna (it's usually better than Bianca, but it's not that great). If you find you can typically play down your hand down to just a couple of cards (i.e. most of your cards can be played immediately), then you may want to try bicycle. You can also see how Roller Skates work out (though I generally only use them in counts of 3-4 for consistency). You could also try another Skyla or Colress...

The best thing you can do is to start play-testing and find out for yourself what is best!
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Neos said:
Auride said:
You have not included any ACE SPEC trainers. I think Computer Search would probably be best in this deck, but as this is a Budget deck mostly any of them would do.

Also, I don't see the need for 3 rare candy when your stage 2 line is 4/4/4. I would drop 1-2.

Bianca isn't a very good supporter in general, and would probably be best replaced with more N (this deck doesn't take prizes fast enough to justify only running 2) or other supporters such as Shauna.

So drop 2 candies and bianca. Should i run 3 N and 3 shauna or 4 N and some other cards?

I can see Auride's argument about not needing as many Rare Candies since you play such a thick Garchomp line, however keep in mind that you will be wanting to get a turn 2 Garchomp, and the more Rare Candies you have, the more likely you will be to get them. I wouldn't go below 2 though, and I'd probably want to go up on Skyla so that you have more outs for the Rare Candies. Of course all of this may be a moot point anyways since I believe the Gabite with Dragon Call is being rotated. (The Garchomp got a reprint in Legendary Treasures and also in Plasma Freeze as a Secret Rare, but I don't think the Gabite did.) If that is the case, and you still want to play Garchomp, then you would actually be a lot better cutting the Gabites instead of the Rare Candy. Then you might also consider just running Garchomp as a quad with Silver Bangle instead of Altaria to 2HKO EX's for just one Energy because without Gabite, it's a lot harder to get your Alrarias set up AND your Garchomps. But apparently I was the only one ever to make that work.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Mora said:
Neos said:
So drop 2 candies and bianca. Should i run 3 N and 3 shauna or 4 N and some other cards?

I can see Auride's argument about not needing as many Rare Candies since you play such a thick Garchomp line, however keep in mind that you will be wanting to get a turn 2 Garchomp, and the more Rare Candies you have, the more likely you will be to get them. I wouldn't go below 2 though, and I'd probably want to go up on Skyla so that you have more outs for the Rare Candies. Of course all of this may be a moot point anyways since I believe the Gabite with Dragon Call is being rotated. (The Garchomp got a reprint in Legendary Treasures and also in Plasma Freeze as a Secret Rare, but I don't think the Gabite did.) If that is the case, and you still want to play Garchomp, then you would actually be a lot better cutting the Gabites instead of the Rare Candy. Then you might also consider just running Garchomp as a quad with Silver Bangle instead of Altaria to 2HKO EX's for just one Energy because without Gabite, it's a lot harder to get your Alrarias set up AND your Garchomps. But apparently I was the only one ever to make that work.
Well, without the Dragon Call Gabite the deck is short with searching. Gabite and Level Ball being rotated, I kind of lose interest in this deck, Darkrai/Hydreigon would be preferable. I play tested this deck and lost 3 times and won 6. Darkrai/Hydreigon is just moving a lot of energy around. And Yveltal is good in that deck. But no dark patch really sucks.
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Garchomp is definitely not a top tier deck. Even in it's prime with BLW-BCR, it wasn't anywhere near as good as people were saying it was going to be. Not that it wasn't playable, but it did require a particular meta game to do well. It's hurt further by the lost of Gabite and Level Ball, the only Pokemon search cards that deck even needed since Level Ball could grab Gabites and Swablus and Gabite could grab everything else. And Hydreigon loosing Dark Patch makes Fairies look much more appealing. In fact without Dark Patch, I believe Hydreigon is completely outclassed by Aromatisse. If you're wanting to try Hydreigon, I'd suggest looking into Fairies as well. It's basically the same thing, but as a Stage 1 and with Fairy Energy. Good luck with figuring out what to play this format (coming from someone who is trying to do the same :p).
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Mora said:
Garchomp is definitely not a top tier deck. Even in it's prime with BLW-BCR, it wasn't anywhere near as good as people were saying it was going to be. Not that it wasn't playable, but it did require a particular meta game to do well. It's hurt further by the lost of Gabite and Level Ball, the only Pokemon search cards that deck even needed since Level Ball could grab Gabites and Swablus and Gabite could grab everything else. And Hydreigon loosing Dark Patch makes Fairies look much more appealing. In fact without Dark Patch, I believe Hydreigon is completely outclassed by Aromatisse. If you're wanting to try Hydreigon, I'd suggest looking into Fairies as well. It's basically the same thing, but as a Stage 1 and with Fairy Energy. Good luck with figuring out what to play this format (coming from someone who is trying to do the same :p).
You know, I had an idea recently, its Greninja/Blastoise/Seismitoad EX or a Round deck which is still really good. And I have no idea what Aromatisse is. Does it involve Xerneas EX or something? I really haven't looked at fairies
RE: Garchomp/Altaria

Mora said:
Garchomp is definitely not a top tier deck. Even in it's prime with BLW-BCR, it wasn't anywhere near as good as people were saying it was going to be. Not that it wasn't playable, but it did require a particular meta game to do well. It's hurt further by the lost of Gabite and Level Ball, the only Pokemon search cards that deck even needed since Level Ball could grab Gabites and Swablus and Gabite could grab everything else. And Hydreigon loosing Dark Patch makes Fairies look much more appealing. In fact without Dark Patch, I believe Hydreigon is completely outclassed by Aromatisse. If you're wanting to try Hydreigon, I'd suggest looking into Fairies as well. It's basically the same thing, but as a Stage 1 and with Fairy Energy. Good luck with figuring out what to play this format (coming from someone who is trying to do the same :p).
Actually, im gonna play round. Its a really good deck in my opinion and it hits hard. So yeah. Ive already made a list.
Neos said:
You know, I had an idea recently, its Greninja/Blastoise/Seismitoad EX or a Round deck which is still really good. And I have no idea what Aromatisse is. Does it involve Xerneas EX or something? I really haven't looked at fairies

I play a Ballistoise and I will be looking into that SeismiNinja soon.
Aromatisse allows you to move Fairy energy around, much like Hydreigon with Dark energy.

Neos said:
Actually, im gonna play round. Its a really good deck in my opinion and it hits hard. So yeah. Ive already made a list.

I am curious about playing a Round deck myself (since a LTR booster box I got gave me 4 Meloetta EX), could you please post that list? I would love to read it!
Here's the list I used before X&Y came out. It did okay I think. Very fun to play with. (Ignore the Beach in there.)
Mora said:
Here's the list I used before X&Y came out. It did okay I think. Very fun to play with. (Ignore the Beach in there.)

Hummm this looks a lot like what I have been founding online... Going to base mine in this, thanks!
Luxiel said:
Neos said:
You know, I had an idea recently, its Greninja/Blastoise/Seismitoad EX or a Round deck which is still really good. And I have no idea what Aromatisse is. Does it involve Xerneas EX or something? I really haven't looked at fairies

I play a Ballistoise and I will be looking into that SeismiNinja soon.
Aromatisse allows you to move Fairy energy around, much like Hydreigon with Dark energy.

Neos said:
Actually, im gonna play round. Its a really good deck in my opinion and it hits hard. So yeah. Ive already made a list.

I am curious about playing a Round deck myself (since a LTR booster box I got gave me 4 Meloetta EX), could you please post that list? I would love to read it!
Alright, I'll make an updated list for Round. And what is Aromatisse's strategy? And heres my list. (http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-future-round-v2-seimitoad-meloetta-ex)
Neos said:
Alright, I'll make an updated list for Round. And what is Aromatisse's strategy?

You get one in your bench and get Fairy Garden on (Stadium: Every Pokemon with a Fairy Energy attached has no retreat cost).

Then you proceeed to accelerate your Fairy Energies with baby Xerneas' Geomancy (gets one fairy in 2 benched pokemon). Once you have enough energies in play, you use Xerneas EX to hit for 60 active plus 30 bench with the first attack or with 140 with the second attack for [Fa][Fa][C][C].

This second attack can't be used twice in a row, but given the retreat nature, you can use a Keldeo to bring it back, move a Fairy into Keldeo and retreat for the very same Xerneas EX or just have another Xerneas EX in the bench.

Since you can move energy around, you don't need to attach too much of them and you are able to protect yourself from losing them if you predict a OHKO.

Also, this ability works with Raibow Energies, since they are Fairy too. Usually, people usa a Sigilyph for Safeguard and add it Rainbows so it can attack. Mewtwo EX is also an option, since you can concentrate energy on it so it can hit harder (although I figure Yveltal EX would hit harder if you are running Rainbows).

Aromatisse allows you to drop a Max Potion into anyone without needing to discard anything.

Some of these decks also run Slurpuff for Status Protection (his ability works like Virizion Ex's but for Fairy).

There are some variations, but they are based on this same idea.
Luxiel said:
Neos said:
Alright, I'll make an updated list for Round. And what is Aromatisse's strategy?

You get one in your bench and get Fairy Garden on (Stadium: Every Pokemon with a Fairy Energy attached has no retreat cost).

Then you proceeed to accelerate your Fairy Energies with baby Xerneas' Geomancy (gets one fairy in 2 benched pokemon). Once you have enough energies in play, you use Xerneas EX to hit for 60 active plus 30 bench with the first attack or with 140 with the second attack for [Fa][Fa][C][C].

This second attack can't be used twice in a row, but given the retreat nature, you can use a Keldeo to bring it back, move a Fairy into Keldeo and retreat for the very same Xerneas EX or just have another Xerneas EX in the bench.

Since you can move energy around, you don't need to attach too much of them and you are able to protect yourself from losing them if you predict a OHKO.

Also, this ability works with Raibow Energies, since they are Fairy too. Usually, people usa a Sigilyph for Safeguard and add it Rainbows so it can attack. Mewtwo EX is also an option, since you can concentrate energy on it so it can hit harder (although I figure Yveltal EX would hit harder if you are running Rainbows).

Aromatisse allows you to drop a Max Potion into anyone without needing to discard anything.

Some of these decks also run Slurpuff for Status Protection (his ability works like Virizion Ex's but for Fairy).

There are some variations, but they are based on this same idea.
This deck sounds really cool, can you make a list or something? It'd be appreciated. :)
Neos said:
This deck sounds really cool, can you make a list or something? It'd be appreciated. :)

I myself never built this deck, but a friend of mine has it as his main deck. I will see what I can get and let you know. :)
Luxiel said:
Neos said:
This deck sounds really cool, can you make a list or something? It'd be appreciated. :)

I myself never built this deck, but a friend of mine has it as his main deck. I will see what I can get and let you know. :)
Alright, thanks :) Aromatisse deck sounds really interesting