The strategy of this deck is to get enough energy on Garchomp to use Dragon Blade, and to hit 180. 3 Altaria on the bench boosts the attack to 160.Muscle Band makes it 180. OHKO's every EX for 2 energy. And it does 200 damage to Black Kyurem EX without any boosts. This deck goesfor about $85 which is awesome.
4 Gible
4 Gabite
4 Garchomp
3 Swablu
3 Altaria
1 Mr. Mime
1 Jirachi EX
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Colress
2 Skyla
2 Bianca
1 Pokemon Fan Club
4 Muscle Band
4 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy
2 Escape Rope
2 Switch
1 Startling Megaphone
7 Fighting Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
The strategy of this deck is to get enough energy on Garchomp to use Dragon Blade, and to hit 180. 3 Altaria on the bench boosts the attack to 160.Muscle Band makes it 180. OHKO's every EX for 2 energy. And it does 200 damage to Black Kyurem EX without any boosts. This deck goesfor about $85 which is awesome.