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Garchomp/Celebi For Citys (seniors)

The Wii Man1234

Still aginst 1st turn trainers!!!!

Stage 2: 4
4 : Garchomp, SV-5
Stage 1: 5
2 : Weavile, UD-25
3 : Gabite, SV-59
Basic: 12
4 : Gible, SV-106
2 : Uxie, LA-43
1 : Unown Q, MD-49
2 : Celebi (Prime), TM-92
2 : Smeargle, UD-8
1 : Chatot, MD-55

Trainers: 14
4 : Rare Candy, UL-82
3 : Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 : Super Scoop Up, UL-83
2 : Energy Exchanger, UD-73
1 : Luxury Ball, SF-86
Pokemon Tools: 1
1 : Expert Belt, AR-87
Supporters: 9
3 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
1 : Twins, TM-89
1 : Palmer's Contribution, SV-139
4 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
Stadiums: 3
3 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

Special Energy: 8
1 : Rainbow Energy, GS-104
3 : Rescue Energy, TM-90
4 : Double Colorless Energy, GS-103
Basic Energy: 4
3 : Grass Energy, GS-115
1 : Psychic Energy, GS-119

The stratigy is is to get Garchomp out ASAP and use Celebi to help get it out faster. Weavile is used to disrupt the Cyrus's engine. My meta is Donphan + mesprit, Gyarados + mesprit (main want to beat), Machamp (both SF and Prime), and Blaziken SP variants
I want to make this deck LESS power reliant. Please help