Garchomp coming back?


So, I've been seeing more and more Garchomp lists scattered around the deck help forum, and people talking about how it will "come back" when Pt. comes out. Why is this? Why will it become better when Platinum comes out? I got the cards for it and started to mess around with it, and although it isn't bad, it isn't the best deck I've ever played.
Could someone please explain?
Who leaked out my secret?!

Garchomp is just as slow as always. I don't remember any card helping its speed, so I doubt it will return to the metagame at all.
Yeah, it is extremely slow, I've everything from Pokedrawer to Quick ball to make it faster. However, if you do get it set up fast enough, I find it is near unstoppable. I seriously doubt that it will ever really come back though. I was just wondering what in Pt. made it better?
Garchomp was never popular, and will continue being unpopular. Garchomp is a bit too slow and does not deal enough damage for its attack cost...
Hmm, I think it does enough damage, it's just too slow. 110 for three energy is enough by me, with a couple of PP it should be a 1-hit K.O. If, however it doesn't have the PP, it does a 2-hit K.O., which a lot of thing can do for less than 3 energy. I don't think that it has or ever will enter the metagame, but when played right I think it is a fairly decent deck, actually.
Zyflair said:
Who leaked out my secret?!

Garchomp is just as slow as always. I don't remember any card helping its speed, so I doubt it will return to the metagame at all.

Explain about how I used the T1 Garchomp back last season. There.
How do you get a Garchomp T1 if it takes 3 energy? you mean just have it set up T1 without energy?
Ampha-pwn77 said:
How do you get a Garchomp T1 if it takes 3 energy? you mean just have it set up T1 without energy?

Simple, one thing, T1 TogeChomp.

Ariadosguy said:
Boost Energy I think.

But that was last season anyway. Get overrr it.

Not Boost Energy, just regular energy. I even planned the T1 TogeChomp as DP-on, not HP-MD format.
It might work well with upper energy for speed, but that also shuts of Rainbow scale.
EDIT: But that would require you to somehow get Gible, Garchomp, Togepi, Togekiss and 2 Candy in your hand T1. Very unlikely that you would be able to have cards to get all that T1...
Ampha-pwn77 said:
It might work well with upper energy for speed, but that also shuts of Rainbow scale.
EDIT: But that would require you to somehow get Gible, Garchomp, Togepi, Togekiss and 2 Candy in your hand T1. Very unlikely that you would be able to have cards to get all that T1...

Very normal for me, but I donk with Togekiss 70% of the time T1. Which was so many times, I forgot every count.

You can donk with Togekiss, but that deck would probably be dead be now since Pokemon have such high HP now.
WHAT?!?!? T1 Togekiss AND Garchomp?!?!

I mean, it's one thing to get, 2 Machamps T1, but in a deck that needs way more space and to get two DIFFERENT lines out is another thing altogether.

EDIT: Donk with Togekiss 70% of the time? What about when you flipped tails, eh?
Ariadosguy said:
WHAT?!?!? T1 Togekiss AND Garchomp?!?!

I mean, it's one thing to get, 2 Machamps T1, but in a deck that needs way more space and to get two DIFFERENT lines out is another thing altogether.

EDIT: Donk with Togekiss 70% of the time? What about when you flipped tails, eh?

It donked many of the SF decks, and LA.

No, I ran 4 Plus-Power with 4 Felicity's Drawing. I donked T1 Plox but Worlds was too expensive to go to. So I just stayed home instead of going to it.

I can see T1 Garchomp winning States and Worlds. You just have to play fast, and smart too.
You must be stacking
You are seriously getting it in most your games?
Are you running 4 Uxie, no Claydol?

Anyway, Garchomp can only get worse thanks to Dialga G X shutting off Rainbow Scale
Risk - That would somehow require Amphy to be active, get damage on the Togepi somehow THE VERY MOMENT IT HITS THE FIELD, and then they'll just Candy-Kiss for the energy.
I think that most people notice the fact that Garchomp is one of the few who can consistantly OHKO each and every SP Pokemon aside from Dialga/Palkia LVX. However, I also think those people forget about Dialga G LVX shutting its body off.
George2FRESH said:
How is 110 for 3 bad?

Garchomp CAN work. I'll find a way, I swear it. Along with a cure for cancer.

In theory, this would normally be great. However, the main reason I said that comment was because almost everything has 130HP, and Garchomp needs more than 1 PP to get there.

If we had a metagame where 110/120 HP ruled, it would be pretty good. However, we have more of a 130/140 HP instead, which gives Garchomp some big problems.

If the metagame shifts to an SP enviroment, I think it could see a little bit more play. However, I don't see that happening soon.