After a kinda-long break from the game, Im coming back and the first thing I saw was Cynthia (my fav character in pokemon) got a supporter (being like oaks new theory my fav supporter card) and that it also came with a ''combo'' of garchomp and lucario, I got really excited to play it and from what I've seen its algo a decent deck competitively talking (dont take my word on this Im probably wrong) but the thing is I dont know how to properly build it. So in this post I would like to first know how viable is garchomp lucario as a deck (not really looking for something t1, just something decente that can put the fight vs those decks) and a proper decklist to play the deck.
Sorry for the broken english in advance and if this is the wrong place to look for this info/help
Sorry for the broken english in advance and if this is the wrong place to look for this info/help