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Garchomp (not C)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guy's. I have an idea on Garchomp deck. That's the decklist.

Poki: 19
x4 Gible SV
x3 Gabite SV
x4 Garchomp SV
x2 Uxie LA
x1 Uxie Lv.X
x1 Azelf
x1 Azelf Lv.X
x1 Crobat G
x1 Ambipom G
x1 Unown Q

Trainers: 31
x4 Bebe’s Search
x3 Pokemon Collector
x3 Seeker
x1 Palmer’s Contribution
x4 Rare Candy
x2 Pokemon Communication
x4 Pokemon Reversal
x4 Pokedex
x1 Luxury Ball
x2 Expert Belt
x3 Broken Time Space

Energy: 10
x4 Double Colorless Energy
x3 Rescue Energy
x3 Psychic Energy

So this is my idea. Start fast with Gible and evolve. Uxie is staple draw. Lv.X for draw and attack if needed. Azelf to grab something from prizes and Lv.X for awesome attack. This can be good for heavy-energy decks.
I think the ideia is good, but I have some suggestions:

-4 Pokémon Reversal (just wait until Pokémon Catcher from Black and White it's released)
-4 Pokédex

+3 PONT (hand refresh, you don't need pokédex)
+1 Crobat G (10 more damage is always useful)
+1-1-1 Nidoqueen RR (healing is important)
+1 Pokémon Communication (more search and more speed)