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Breaker of Standards
I decided to drop altaria and go with something like this

Pokémon: 15
4x Gible DRX 87
3x Gabite DRX 89
4x Garchomp DRX 90
2x Terrakion NVI
2x Emolga DRX

Trainers/Supporters: 34

4x Juniper
4x N
2x Cheren
2x Random Receiver
3x Level Ball
3x Pokemon Communication
3x Pokemon Catcher
3x Rare Candy
3x Switch
3x Energy Switch
2x Super Scoop Up
2x Super Rod

Energy: 11
6x {F} Energy
4x Blend Energy{W}{L}{F}{M}
1x {W} Energy

Setup Garchomps as early as T2-T3 with the use of Gabite and Emolga. Have a ready Terrakion for Revenge Killing or straight out slaughter. Would like to get input. Thanks!
There seems to be an ever growing opinion that Altaria (although looked great on "paper" before the set was released) is just not "good enough" for tough tournament play. So, like others, I've too swapped out Altaria for Terrakion.

My main suggestions:
-3 Exp. Share
+3 Energy Switch - for "suprise" Retaliate or Land Crush attack. Besides, those ESs can also just be Scrapper'ed off.
-1 Pokémon Communication
+1 Emolga - need to enahnce your chances of starting with this Poké and not Terrakion (ugh!)

My minor suggestions:
-1 Professor Juniper
+1 Cheren - 2 Random Receivers helps avoid playing a PJ when you have a hand full of good resources
-2 SSUs
+2 Emolga or Max Potion

I tend not to run decks with fewer than 10 basic Poké since odds are (in my experience), I'll mulligan 3+ turns which tends to give my opponent an early advanatage.
I know a guy who played garchomp terrakion since before any of the battle roads started and he's only missed 1 top 4.
His list runs 4-4-4 garchomp with 2 rare candies. Him and I mutually agreed after hundreds of play tests that a LARGE marjority of the time you find yourself with 3 gabites in play on turn 2. And 1 benched 60hp gible for an easy prize from an challenge or blow through. If you can't rare candy that final gible probably over 80% of the time if you are playing a tier deck. the 4th gible will be ko'd. Also 3 emolgas is key for starting.

As for your supporters, you can't afford to run 4 juniper. Juniper is a bad card in this format unless you are running eels.
The best line I can come up with for this deck is
2 juniper
3 Bianca
4 cheren
4 n
Mora said:
This guy who did so well with this deck, was that his Supporter line?

i think he ran 2 RR

e/ from st louis, his name is Andrew Newman. If you know him or not.
TuxedoBlack said:
My main suggestions:
-3 Exp. Share
+3 Energy Switch - for "suprise" Retaliate or Land Crush attack. Besides, those ESs can also just be Scrapper'ed off.
-1 Pokémon Communication
+1 Emolga - need to enahnce your chances of starting with this Poké and not Terrakion (ugh!)

My minor suggestions:
-1 Professor Juniper
+1 Cheren - 2 Random Receivers helps avoid playing a PJ when you have a hand full of good resources
-2 SSUs
+2 Emolga or Max Potion

I tend not to run decks with fewer than 10 basic Poké since odds are (in my experience), I'll mulligan 3+ turns which tends to give my opponent an early advanatage.

I only added SSU as an alternative to Max Potion since it is quite an "overpriced" card from where I come from. Other than that I'm liking the suggestions. Thank you

Anything else?
I think dropping the Cheren for Tool Scrapper might be good. It helps you against Tornadus EX. Other than that, it looks like a good list. I'm on your side in that Altaria just doesn't perform that well.
- 2 Cheren
+ 2 Tool Scrapper
r0naLd222 said:
I only added SSU as an alternative to Max Potion since it is quite an "overpriced" card from where I come from. Other than that I'm liking the suggestions. Thank you

Anything else?

I plan to playtest this build at league this weekend; so, I'll have more comments after that.
After additional playtesting and heated debate with a good Poké pal (excellent player too), I made several observations:
  • Although Altaria is the "Achilles heel" of a Garchomp-Altaria deck, Altaria's Ability is sorely missed. Garchomp's 60 damage attack is just not "strong" enough throughout the entire game. Albeit, I did attack with Dragonblade at times, but the "cost" of discarding 2 cards became quite troublesome (nearly decked myself twice). So, managing resources is more critical with this deck version. Should a 3rd Super Rod be added?
  • I found it difficult to even 2hko opponent's big Poké consistently; it just took "too long" to get all the necessary resources into play. Opponent's had time heal their wounded Poké too often.
  • This deck version is good against REelsZ (Rayquaza-Eels-Zekrom) and Darkrai EX-Hydreigon since now you have no 40/70 HP Poké exposure (Swablu/Altaria) - no "easy" KOs. And most opponents must respect the big, bad bull!
  • Tough matchups were against decks like Ho-oh EX, Reshi-Boar, Garbodor-Terrakion, Accelgor-Gothitelle, etc.
  • Energy Switch is critical to the deck; so, increasing the count to 4 is really necessary, imho.
TuxedoBlack said:
After additional playtesting and heated debate with a good Poké pal (excellent player too), I made several observations:
  • Although Altaria is the "Achilles heel" of a Garchomp-Altaria deck, Altaria's Ability is sorely missed. Garchomp's 60 damage attack is just not "strong" enough throughout the entire game. Albeit, I did attack with Dragonblade at times, but the "cost" of discarding 2 cards became quite troublesome (nearly decked myself twice). So, managing resources is more critical with this deck version. Should a 3rd Super Rod be added?
  • I found it difficult to even 2hko opponent's big Poké consistently; it just took "too long" to get all the necessary resources into play. Opponent's had time heal their wounded Poké too often.
  • This deck version is good against REelsZ (Rayquaza-Eels-Zekrom) and Darkrai EX-Hydreigon since now you have no 40/70 HP Poké exposure (Swablu/Altaria) - no "easy" KOs. And most opponents must respect the big, bad bull!
  • Tough matchups were against decks like Ho-oh EX, Reshi-Boar, Garbodor-Terrakion, Accelgor-Gothitelle, etc.
  • Energy Switch is critical to the deck; so, increasing the count to 4 is really necessary, imho.

i agree with all your points, well made. here's my 2 cents.

you need 2 tool scrappers to deal with eviolited darkrai, not being able to one shot it is not an option.
you need 2+ switches to move the bull out of way sometimes.
you need to attack turn 2. so cff t1 is crucial, and need 3-4 gibles t2.
this deck is made to counter darkrai and rayeels, it doesn't fare well with other tier2/3 decks with bulk attackers. hopefully if it can win early it'll avoid them.
the deck has to be super consistent, miss an attack or an attachment is disaster.
and i don't have enough space for all cards i need in it :)

here's a decklist i made (senior), feedbacks welcome.
I want a second rod in here.

4 x Gible
3 x Gabite
4 x Garchomp
2 x Terrakion
3 x Emolga

2 x Professor Juniper
4 x N
3 x Cheren
2 x Bianca
2 x Random Receiver
4 x Level Ball
4 x Pokemon Catcher
3 x Rare Candy
3 x Energy Switch
3 x Switch
2 x Tool Scrapper
1 x Super Rod

6 x Fighting
1 x Water
4 x Blend WLFM
Hi guys, sorry for not going online for sometime.
Been considering most of them and it seems to have been giving me more ideas. Keep 'em coming guys!

dadoc14 said:
here's a decklist i made (senior), feedbacks welcome.
I want a second rod in here.

4 x Gible
3 x Gabite
4 x Garchomp
2 x Terrakion
3 x Emolga

2 x Professor Juniper
4 x N
3 x Cheren
2 x Bianca
2 x Random Receiver
4 x Level Ball
4 x Pokemon Catcher
3 x Rare Candy
3 x Energy Switch
3 x Switch
2 x Tool Scrapper
1 x Super Rod

6 x Fighting
1 x Water
4 x Blend WLFM

^don't see much change in the list, you just swapped card counts, added bianca and some stuff. I personally think having cheren and bianca is quite messy. I'd rather have cheren still.
r0naLd222 said:
^don't see much change in the list, you just swapped card counts, added bianca and some stuff. I personally think having cheren and bianca is quite messy. I'd rather have cheren still.
My simple rule-of-thumb is to play a Bianca for each Ultra Ball I have in my deck. In your case (0 Ultra Balls = 0 Biancas), I'd suggest maxing the Cheren (+1) and adding a Random Receiver to replace the 2 Biancas you have.
T2 Garchomps are still good. With Dragon Call, you essentially only need to draw into a Rare Candy.